Issue 2018 No. 3 (56)


Slavophiles in the time of the abolition of serfdom (the biobibliographic essay)

Shirinyants A.A.
9-23   479

The article gives an outline of the history of the preparation of the peasantry, or land reform of 1861 in Russia, the role in this process of the representatives of the Slavophile theory, such as Samarin (1819-1876), Koshelev (1806-1883), Prince Cherkassky (1824-1878), who acted as nobility profess...
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Repression against Buddhist clergy - representatives of national ideology and spirituality

Maksimov K.N.
23-29   367

The article deals with the anti-religious policy of the Soviet state against the Buddhist clergy. Having destroyed churches and monasteries, turning over the possessions of all faiths to the state, the Soviet government subjected priests to repression. In most cases, there were no legal grounds for ...
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The fishing industry in the Caspian Sea in the years of the Great Patriotic War: importance and results

Vinogradov S.V., Eschcenko Yu.G.
30-34   498

The article is show the role of the fishing industry in Astrakhan during the Great Patriotic War. After the loss of fisheries in the Baltic and Black Seas in the first months of the war, the Caspian fishing area has become the main supplier of fish products to the Red Army and the major industrial c...
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Role of the Russian technical society in modernization of oil branch of the country in the second half of XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries

Krasivskaya V.N.
35-40   389

The research of activity of Imperial Russian technical society allows to characterize as very considerable his contribution to modernization of an oil industry. Formation of the Russian technical society was a boundary event in evolution of the state scientific and technical policy has provided acce...
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The military potential of the USSR in the estimates of the British military authorities in the first months of the Great Patriotic War

Blintsov D.A.
41-45   397

This article deals with the problem of assessing the military potential of the red Army, by the British military and a number of relevant military structures in the early period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The Author focuses on the analysis of little-known documents of the national arch...
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The political and enlightenment work and art in the 1920s

Moroz A.I., Aliev R.T.
46-51   446

The article is devoted to the history of the formation of the so-called artistic political and enlightenment work, which dates back to the 1920s. Its goal was not only to bring the population of post-revolutionary Russia to the achievements of art, but also to spread the ideas of the Bolshevik Party...
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Scientific and technical concepts and innovative ideas of Soviet citizens in the development of the northern territoriesof the USSR (the second half of the 1950s-the first half of the 1970)

Prishchepa A.S.
52-57   371

Since the second half of the 1950s in the USSR there was a scientific and technological upsurge. Simultaneously with this process, the intensive development of the North begins. The northern regions of the country before this period were little explored, therefore, at the highest political level, th...
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The change in the legal status of the Caspian Sea in the conditions of geopolitical and economic the integration of the region

Markelov K.A., Golovin V.G., Usmanov R.H.
58-73   370

In recent decades, the study of the problems of the Caspian region has become particularly relevant, due to both geopolitical and geo-economic importance. Strategic location, energy attractiveness, long-term uncertainty of the international political and legal status of the Caspian sea, formed a kin...
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Social State and Social Policy: Challenges for the Non-Profit Sector

Nikovskaya L.I., Molokova M.A.
74-79   352

The article analyzes the complexity and challenges for the modern welfare state, which increasingly should be based on the use of the non-state sector of social policy development related to the emergence of socially oriented NGOs (SO NPOs) and the development of new mechanisms of their interaction ...
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The role of the Cuban cossacks in the ethnopolitical and geopolitical processes in the Krasnodar region

Andrey B.V.
80-89   482

The article defines the leading directions of the political participation of the Kuban Cossack Army in the ethnopolitical and geopolitical processes of interaction in the Krasnodar Territory (2017-2018). The author, proceeding from the constructivist paradigm of ethnopolitical studies, reinterprets ...
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Russian model and tools of “soft power”

90-94   481

In the era of globalization and increasing geopolitical competition, the problem of influencing without coercion is an urgent issue of world politics. Using indirect methods of influence, such as the tools of "soft power", the state is able to protect itself from the negative consequences of power m...
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Cluster approach as a tool of economic securitymaintenance of the Caspian Region

Akhunzhanova I.N., Bogacheva O.V., Osipov D.V., Tomashevskaya Y.N.
95-102   451

Influence of xenophobic moods in network communications on the institute of the polycultural family of Precaspian Region

Topchiev M.S., Kholova L.A.
103-108   297

This article is devoted to the study of the influence of xenophobic attitudes in the network communities on the institution of the polycultural family of the Precaspian region. The family, being the basis for the formation of interethnic tolerance in a poly-ethnic region, faces strong xenophobic sen...
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China's foreign policy toward Central Asia in the transition era

Kamyar D. Darabi, Shahram Nababti
109-119   443

The collapse of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) opened up to China phenomenal opportunities for exercising and influencing current political and economic processes in the Central Asian region. In addition to the independence of the Central Asian republics and their ability to a...
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Hero - anti-hero of modern mass culture: the transformation of value points

Khlyscheva E.V.
120-124   529

Cultural hero is a symbol of any culture. It reflects the mores, ideals, future aspirations of a particular society. Therefore, the transformation of the hero’s image becomes an indicator of the social changes. In modern mass culture, the image of the hero correlates with the image of the anti-her...
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Internal frontier as a factor of interstate relations

Yakushenkov S.N.
125-133   393

Theoretical approaches to the study of borderlands and cross-border relations have long gone beyond the scope of international relations. Since the 80-ies of XX century, many social scientists have realized that the phenomenon of the border is not closed only to the problems of relations between the...
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Problems of human identification in the socio-cultural context of industrial civilization

Khrapov S.A.
133-139   318

The question of the nature of identification is very complex and multifaceted, requiring not only a deep interdisciplinary analysis, but also taking into account the specifics of the context of human existence. In fact, it is identification that has always determined the path of human development fr...
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Transformation of the fairy tale in modern culture

Demina A.V., Gladkova M.S.
139-147   577

This article is devoted to a problem of transformation of the fairy tale during a postmodernism era. The fairy tale is an inspiration source for many writers of this time. The progressive era of postmodernism forces the fairy tale changes. So, she exists both in the format of an independent genre, a...
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On the Purpose of philosophical text and the concept of “textual behavior”

Ryskeldyieva L.T.
148-155   380

The question of the purpose of the philosophical text is posed in this article and it has the context of linking the philosophical text with extra-textual factors. A wide range of interdisciplinary research has formed a set of concepts by which the practical aspect of speech and text activity can be...
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Socially philosophical aspect of the concept “eschatological tension”

Blokhin D.G.
156-160   454

The article reveals the socio-philosophical aspect of the term "eschatological tension". The definition of this term is derived from the concept of "social tension" and is considered in the context of analysis and forecasting the development of eschatological moods in society. The article explores t...
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Collective identity in the concept of social security: the Caspian accent

Romanova A.P., Chernichkin D.A.
160-167   344

The article is devoted to the changes in the traditional approach to security, associated with the shift of emphasis from military to socio-cultural threats. The article gives a brief analysis of two concepts of security: cultural and societal, shows the specificity of the concept of societal securi...
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Sagitova L.V.
168-174   319

Ethnic factor in the policy of the identity of regional elite. Case: Republic of Tatarstan...
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Theoretical comprehension of political culture in the West and in Russia: problems of comparative studies

Podvoyskaya N.L.
175-182   333

The article attempts to draw attention to some differences in political culture studies in the western political science tradition and in the Russian one. It is emphasized that in the Western researchers studies a wide range of problems concerning political culture is being considered. Most of the a...
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II International scientific conference “Ethnicity and culture in the era of globalization”

Tuchina O.R.
183-185   450


Features of modern Western propaganda. A book-review of Udo Ulfkotte “People’s teachers. How the media want to raise us politically correct. «Volkspädagogen. Wie uns die Massenmedien politischkorrekt erziehen wollen». Kopp, Rottenburg 2016, ISBN 97

Lebedeva I.V.
186-187   343

The book, written by Ulfkotte in December 2016 is his last work and was writtennot long before his death. It is inextricably linked with the author's previous works, which also deal with the subject of corruption of journalists and the bias of the media. It is also about the constant control of the ...
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Mustafa Isaevich Bilalov 70 years old

, , , , ,
188-189   434


In memory of our colleague Dmitriev Anatoly Vasilyevich

190   334