On the Purpose of philosophical text and the concept of “textual behavior”

Ryskeldyieva L.T.


The question of the purpose of the philosophical text is posed in this article and it has the context of linking the philosophical text with extra-textual factors. A wide range of interdisciplinary research has formed a set of concepts by which the practical aspect of speech and text activity can be revealed. However, their application to the analysis and hermeneutics of the philosophical text is irrelevant without taking into account the specifics of philosophical discourse. The article suggests a possible version of the answer to the question about this specificity, the idea of distinguishing the "external" and "internal" goals of the philosophical text, as well as the concept of textual behavior as the realization of some stable patterns of textual activity in philosophy. The external goal is determined by the format of the text culture to which the text belongs, and the internal one is related to the deontological foundations of author’s outlook.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 3 (56)




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