Socially philosophical aspect of the concept “eschatological tension”

Blokhin D.G.


The article reveals the socio-philosophical aspect of the term "eschatological tension". The definition of this term is derived from the concept of "social tension" and is considered in the context of analysis and forecasting the development of eschatological moods in society. The article explores the causes of the emergence of eschatological tension; their characteristics are given in the general context of the state of society. Also in the article are explicated the terms "eschatological event", "eschatological expectations", "eschatological idea", "eschatological ideological group", which form the terminological basis for the theoretical development of the concept of eschatological tension, and which make it possible to clarify its social and philosophical content. Such elements of concept formation as a social environment, in which eschatological tension, internal state of the eschatological ideological group, consequences of the activity of religious and non-religious ideological groups that have an eschatological component in their teachings, the influence of these groups and their ideas in society are considered. Socio-philosophical understanding of the concept of eschatological tension contributes to the development of a conceptual model, within which the extent of the influence of eschatological communities, their moods on social processes in society, and their social behavior and possible forms of socium reaction on their activity can be examined.
