The role of the Cuban cossacks in the ethnopolitical and geopolitical processes in the Krasnodar region

Andrey B.V.


The article defines the leading directions of the political participation of the Kuban Cossack Army in the ethnopolitical and geopolitical processes of interaction in the Krasnodar Territory (2017-2018). The author, proceeding from the constructivist paradigm of ethnopolitical studies, reinterprets the modern Cossacks as a social and professional group, designed by elites on the basis of collective identity and the policy of historical memory. Political resources of influence, orientation and strategy of the leadership of the Kuban Cossack army are determined. Attention is focused on the key aspects of the policy of the Cossacks: organizational strengthening of the troops, reforming state legislation, strengthening the economic base, information activity, participation in law and order. The positioning of the Kuban Cossacks in the information war on the issues of the Ukrainian crisis is revealed. Mythologized ideas about the influence of Ukrainian identity among modern Cossacks have been refuted.
