Slavophiles in the time of the abolition of serfdom (the biobibliographic essay)

Shirinyants A.A.


The article gives an outline of the history of the preparation of the peasantry, or land reform of 1861 in Russia, the role in this process of the representatives of the Slavophile theory, such as Samarin (1819-1876), Koshelev (1806-1883), Prince Cherkassky (1824-1878), who acted as nobility professional "experts" on the "peasant question". The article estimates the notes, articles and other works of these authors, who dreamed of establishing social harmony in the country, the Russian "people's monarchy" and having that goal in view prepared various projects for the liberation of peasants. It is concluded that the position of numerous representatives of a range of nobility and professional experts involved in the discussion of the peasant question, was powerless facing the personal will of the autocratic monarch, who supported the version of the project, which robbed the nobility, and deceived the peasantry.
