Role of the Russian technical society in modernization of oil branch of the country in the second half of XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries

Krasivskaya V.N.


The research of activity of Imperial Russian technical society allows to characterize as very considerable his contribution to modernization of an oil industry. Formation of the Russian technical society was a boundary event in evolution of the state scientific and technical policy has provided acceleration of rates of the Russian industrialization, modernization of the industry, formation of her national personnel capacity. IRTO were attracted the conducting domestic and foreign scientists for the purpose of introduction of the latest developments of the equipment and technology of oil production, a solution of the problem of her transportation and storage, improvement of the equipment of oil processing production. The main activities of IRTO were: introduction of metric system of measures and scales; privileges on inventions; customs duties; researches on the oil pipeline; works on a research of kerosene engines; development of questions on the sewerage of the cities; questions on a construction and operation of the railroads; works on a great railway track through Siberia; distribution of technical education; promoting of technical knowledge. Also huge role in stimulation and discussion of scientific researches, ensuring introduction of inventions in branch, was played, first of all, by the Baku office of Imperial Russian Technical society.
