Social State and Social Policy: Challenges for the Non-Profit Sector

Nikovskaya L.I., Molokova M.A.


The article analyzes the complexity and challenges for the modern welfare state, which increasingly should be based on the use of the non-state sector of social policy development related to the emergence of socially oriented NGOs (SO NPOs) and the development of new mechanisms of their interaction with government. It is shown that a new set of regulatory framework at the Federal and regional levels has been created for the further development of intersectoral partnership, primarily participation with SO NGOs in the provision of social services and the solution of important socio-economic problems. The paper presents an analysis of the difficulties and contradictions associated with the reform of the social policy model based on the involvement of non-state social service providers (SO NGOs, social entrepreneurship), as well as the directions of improving the policy in the direction of the formation of public-state cooperation in the social sphere.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 3 (56)




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