Problems of human identification in the socio-cultural context of industrial civilization

Khrapov S.A.


The question of the nature of identification is very complex and multifaceted, requiring not only a deep interdisciplinary analysis, but also taking into account the specifics of the context of human existence. In fact, it is identification that has always determined the path of human development from birth to death, when cultural images-identifiers were "beacons", landmarks, goals and determined the way of life and its meanings, and society formed the types, styles and mechanisms of identification. A technological revolution, which has changed the production and Economics, and then "invaded" and "thin" world of spiritual existence is, paradoxically, transformed the culture and people, and, obviously, radically changed the process of identification. In this article, we will try to answer in General terms two relevant questions for modern socio-humanitarian knowledge: 1) what is the specificity of the socio-cultural context of technogenic civilization? 2) what are the factors of the problem of human identification and the main trends of its manifestation? Answers to these questions, to some extent, will allow to form a clearer idea of the nature and processes of identification of modern man, as well as allow to develop measures to level its crisis manifestations.
