Influence of xenophobic moods in network communications on the institute of the polycultural family of Precaspian Region

Topchiev M.S., Kholova L.A.


This article is devoted to the study of the influence of xenophobic attitudes in the network communities on the institution of the polycultural family of the Precaspian region. The family, being the basis for the formation of interethnic tolerance in a poly-ethnic region, faces strong xenophobic sentiments, cultivated by a wide flow of information on the Internet and the media. The polycultural family forms a complex, hybrid identity that can tolerate the diversity of ethnic groups and nationalities. A person with a hybrid identity has the ability to form a similar cultural environment. However, since the polycultural family is part of the global world, where most of the information flow is broadcast through the Internet communities. Networking communities are not controlled entities of the Internet, in which xenophobic sentiments are often traced. The study will highlight the main trends in the changes in the mutual relations of the polytechnic families and the xenophobic Internet community.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 3 (56)




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