The change in the legal status of the Caspian Sea in the conditions of geopolitical and economic the integration of the region

Markelov K.A., Golovin V.G., Usmanov R.H.


In recent decades, the study of the problems of the Caspian region has become particularly relevant, due to both geopolitical and geo-economic importance. Strategic location, energy attractiveness, long-term uncertainty of the international political and legal status of the Caspian sea, formed a kind of geopolitical "environment" of the region, the intertwining of national and international interests and contradictions of the world's leading players (Russia, USA, China, EU). The fact of manifestation of these positions is, in particular, the toughening of the us position on the "nuclear deal" with Iran, as well as the contradictory positions of the Caspian States themselves, which until recently also had an uncoordinated nature. Modern geopolitical and geo-economic realities allow us to study and assess the consolidated position of the countries of the region in the light of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea signed on August 12, 2018, to assess the processes of transformation of the concept of the right status of the Caspian sea in historical retrospect, taking into account the trends of modern development, forming a new vector of integration economic development. The article analyzes some aspects of the evolution of the international political, legal and economic status of the sea. Particular attention is paid to the concept of "Caspian sea", the formation of the Caspian sea and the territorial waters of the States, which allowed to consider the status of the sea from the standpoint of economic activity in relation to the use of the bottom, subsoil, natural and other resources, as well as sovereign and exclusive rights in the field of fishing activities in various fishing zones. According to the results of analytical studies, the classification and priority competences of the States arising from the provisions of the Convention defining the status of the Caspian sea are proposed, the grouping of exclusive competence and sovereign interests of the parties (all parties, two - and trilateral relations, national) is proposed, which contribute to the unification of unresolved problems in certain complex tasks that require their further study.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 3 (56)




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