Issue 2017 No. 3 (52)


Christian relics of the epoch of the Golden Horde formation at the "Mayachny bugor" burial ground

Vasilev D.V.
11-19   415

Evidence of the presence of Christians in the Golden Horde is extremely rare. Most often these are finds of wearable crosses. The article analyzes the fact of finding a Christian burial with a silver cross, as well as a copper cross and an encolpion on the В«Mayachny bugorВ» burial ground in the Ast...
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Phenomenon of alien serving group in kazakh Bukey Horde (turn XIX - XX centuries)

Ishmukhambetov R.V.
19-29   342

This article is devoted to the role of service groups in the history of the Bukey Horde. Bukey Horde and its history represent an important part of the history of the entire Caspian region. Despite the fact that the study of various aspects has two centuries in its history, there are gaps. One such ...
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Astrakhan governors in interaction with the buddhist church of kalmyks in the first half of the XIX century

Kurapov A.A.
29-36   308

In the article examines the participation of Astrakhan military and civilian governors in the management of the Kalmyk steppe and its most important socio-political institution, the Buddhist church of the Kalmyks. At the stage of the final integration of the Kalmyk people into the state machine of t...
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Georges the Victorious's image in Russian heraldry

Zakutnov O.I.
37-41   346

This article is devoted to judgment of an image of Georges the Victorious in Russian heraldry. The great martyr Georges the Victorious one of the most dear Saints who for Russians was of particular importance. Georges the Victorious the patron of soldiers and the defender of the world of people, the...
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Features the awarding of Russian sailors and foreign orders and medals during the second half of XIX - early XX centuries

Vikhor S.S.
41-45   337

The article is devoted to peculiarities of a foreign award system in the Russian Navy in the second half of XIX - early XX centuries are Considered awards Northern Europe, Western Europe, southern and South-Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, America, the Far and Middle East. Separate attention is paid to...
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Cosacks of Hoper and Ust-Medveditsa Don regions in the Civil war (spring 1918 - autumn 1919)

Satarova A.P.
45-51   405

The article deals with the events of the Civil War on the territory of Hoper and Ust-Medveditsa Don regions and identifies the position of local Cossacks in respect of military and political confrontation of those years.In spite of the fact that the participation of Don Cossacks in the Civil War was...
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Historical and cultural peculiarities of small genres of folklore of the Astrakhan region

Kucheruk I.V., Meretina D.V.
52-55   348

In this article, the authors disclose the specifics of such small genres of Astrakhan folklore as proverbs and sayings that differ in inclusiveness, i.e inclusion with the everyday life of the inhabitants of the region, and historical determinism. In the array of existing proverbs and sayings, the a...
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The Rrole of Civil Society and Cross-sectoral Partnerships to Realize the Potential of Social State in Russia

Nikovskaya L.I., Molokova M.A.
56-65   332

This paper shows that, in prioritizing of the welfare state leading challenge is to build on a fundamentally different basis of relationship between the state and civil associations through the strengthening of institutions cross-sectoral social partnership, public management based on public values ...
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On the stability of the political system of modern Russia

Kochetkov A.P.
65-71   360

The analysis allows coming to the conclusionthat although today Russia's political system has a certain resistance, without making some changes in public policy the degree of its stability in the near term would be significantly reduced and will approach dangerous levels of destabilization of Russia...
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Political process in the "unfold policies"

Vartumyan A.A., Shebzukhova T.A.
71-78   322

In the article the factors that contribute to changing the modernization paradigm in relation to the countries of the East are considered, the specificity of non-Western, eastern societies is analyzed. The social capital of the Asian development model is explored. The stereotypes of the mass politic...
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International cooperation of the regions and business of Italy with the Crimea as a public diplomacy manifestation

Baranov A.V.
78-86   325

The topicality of the issue lies in the fact that the role of non-governmental and sub-national policy actors in international relations has qualitatively increased. Public diplomacy is a topical thing in breaking through the economic, information and political blockade of the Crimea. In this connec...
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Hr strategies in regional branches of political parties under condition of combined elections (on the example of Altai krai)

Shashkova Y.
87-93   320

The article analyses the composition of party lists and single-seat district lists at the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and to the Legislative Assembly of Altai Krai in 2016. The thesis is supported that both campaigns had personalized character connected with spe...
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About culture of the international relations in modern conditions

Abazaliyeva M.M., Kamova R.M., Tambiyeva Z.S.
93-97   330

Article is devoted to determination of the place and a role of culture in the international relations, to detection of an entity and its features. Defining that the culture - is expression of the personal beginning of each society, we will mark that it represents - historically caused level of devel...
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“Fronts” in the political process the post-soviet Moldova

Ulyanova J.S.
97-104   356

The population of Soviet Moldova, like a large part of the citizens of the USSR, supported the policy of restructuring by creating amateur politicized associations. However, the change in the strategic course of the “Popular Front” contributed to the republic's exit from the USSR and the emergen...
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The ways of improving state policy on electoral rights of citizens with disabilities in the Russian Federation

Marmilova E.P.
105-109   302

The article examines ways of improving the state policy regarding the electoral rights of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation. Voting allows persons with disabilities to exert greater political influence. This group of citizens are faced with various psychological, physical or instit...
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Participation of law enforcement bodies in activities to ensure national security

Ponomarenko Y.A.
110-115   312

The article considers the significance and role of law enforcement agencies in the system of state bodies of Russia responsible for ensuring national security. Legislative bases of participation of law enforcement bodies in maintenance of questions of the state and public safety are studied. The sig...
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Political identity and foreign policy of modern Russia and Greece

Yanacova V.R.
115-124   311

The problem of political identity is extremely relevant in the modern world, this is one of the important forms of identification of the individual. The problem of identity and the definition of the grounds for its study are also relevant because of the crisis of the identity of modern man. The iden...
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Tourism in Russia and abroad in the context of the current geopolitical situation

Grigorev A.V., Kargina L.A., Lebedeva I.V.
125-131   337

Sanctions of the EU countries have not gone completely beyond the economy of all countries: a drop in the purchasing power of Russians, a reduction in jobs in Europe, large financial losses for the European economy. The modern geopolitical situation exerts its influence not only on the world economy...
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About social politics in Russia and abroad

Oleynikova S.G., Tyrnova N.A., Lebedeva I.V.
131-136   313

The creation of favorable conditions in the social sphere becomes the main goal of economic activity of the state. Consequently, the task of a socially-oriented economy of the state is the activity of social protection of all strata of society and the elaboration of an effective social policy strate...
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German mass media about the crisis of migration processes

Lebedeva I.V., Bicharova M.M.
137-142   307

The article is devoted to the study of migration processes, in particular, the problem of the migration crisis associated with the uncontrolled influx of refugees from Africa and the East into Germany is being considered. There are some contradictions between the way information about migration proc...
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Instruments of strategy of indirect actions and "soft power" concerning Russia

Novoselov S.V.
142-150   299

During an era of global challenges and threats Russia has appeared in epicenter of world contradictions, has turned into an object of political, economic and information pressure, constant intervention in her internal affairs from the outside, against the country "undeclared" hybrid information war ...
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On the question of political mechanisms for the formation of patriotism

Rezakov M.R.
151-156   318

This article considers the actual topic of institutionalizing the process of forming patriotism in Russia as a necessary condition for creating a mechanism for introducing political values that regulate the system of civic-patriotic roles and statuses. The article notes that the process of instituti...
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The role of international intergovernmental organizations Europe in the provision of the election of Ukraine president 2004-2014

Kudryashova E.V., Bergman Y.E.
157-164   319

To date, we have clearly seen a trend towards increasing the importance of soft instruments of public diplomacy and increasing the role of international intergovernmental organizations, including European ones, in affirming the legitimacy of the election of the leadership of the states of the world....
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The image of the clown as Alien/Monster in the modern culture

Romanova A.P.
165-171   351

The article is devoted to the research of the clown image in the modern culture. Representing one of the jester figure incarnations, this image is endowed with ambivalence which is already shown at the Archaic stage. The Pueblo Indians (Zuni)'s Koyemsi ritual clowns images combine elements of the hu...
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Transformation of attitude to the hijab as a marker of Alien in morden culture

Topchiev M.S., Shtonda V.V.
171-179   351

Since the end of last century the problem of Alien becoming more acute, as the Alien rapidly moves from the outer circle of our being to the innercircle. Elements of vestimentary culture of Alienacquire new meaning, become markers of otherness, strangeness. The most vivid marker in the modern era be...
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Platonism as a cultural and historical phenomenon

Podvoisky L.Ya.
180-185   318

An attempt to show the role and significance of Platonism as a cultural and historical phenomenon in general and in Russian philosophical culture, in particular is taken in the article. It is emphasized that Plato's philosophical heritage is not only the past, but on the contrary, it contains though...
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Formation of the concept of patriotism in antique and christian philosophy and culture

Kilin S.V.
185-193   350

The article deals with the main stages of evolution and the basic approaches to the definition of patriotism as in ancient and Christian culture. The author analyzes the process concretization of the concept of its most common and therefore abstract definitions (the idea of civic virtue and the stat...
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Ethnic migration as a factor of transformation of power elites in the Republic of Dagestan

Abdullaev A.
194-199   309

The article is devoted to the influence of ethnic migration in Dagestan as a factor in the transformation of regional power elites. The author considers one of the consequences of rural ethnic migration in the region - from the mountains to the plain, from the village to the urban settlements: the t...
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Political Culture of Modern Elites: Features and Trends

Siyanova T.V.
199-205   301

Characterizing the political culture of modern elites, political science increasingly pays attention to the increasing role of political mythology and the adaptation of elites and their leaders to the falsification of political data. There is an increase in utopian thinking, creating its own virtual...
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206   327

Development of civil engineeringin Astrakhan

Timofeeva E.G., Lebedev S.V., Tyurin A.O.
207-216   323

The article is devoted to the little studied topic of regional history, which reveals the main stages in the development of civil construction in the space of the major economic center of the Lower Volga region - Astrakhan. The authors analyze the reasons and factors that contribute to the growth of...
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Participation of astrakhan governors in the implementation of the external political course of the country in the south-east direction in the XVIII century

Toropitsyn I.V.
217-221   295

The article is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the implementation in the XVIII century. Russia's foreign policy in the south-east direction and the role of the Astrakhan governors in this process. The focus is on the diplomatic and military-political aspects of governors in Astrakh...
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Astrakhan in scientific and military studiesof Caspian coast in the XVIII century

Kulakov V.O., Kulakova N.I.
222-227   307

The article is devoted to the analysis of little-known facts of the first scientific expeditions of Russia in the Caspian Sea in terms of the role Astrakhan played in them. The author outlines the main reasons that prompted Russia to hold such events and carefully analyzes the preparation, progress ...
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To the question of the role of migration processes in the development capitalist relations in astrakhan province in the middle of the XIX century

Kuzmina I.V.
228-233   333

The peculiarities of migration processes in the Astrakhan province of the middle of the XIX century as an important factor in the formation of the capitalist system are considered in the article. On the basis of statistical sources, the scale and directions of peasant agrarian resettlements are show...
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The main directions of cooperation of astrakhan region and the republic of Turkmenistan at the end of xx-beginning of XXI century

Kudryashova Y.A.
234-240   338

The article is devoted to the study of the interaction between Astrakhan region and Turkmenistan in the end of XX - beginning of XXI century. The Caspian region has always been a crossroads of Europe and Asia, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union has increased the need to strengthen relations ...
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Shipbuilding in the economic life of the lower Volga region in the XIX - the beginning of XX century

Voronova A.A.
241-249   343

The shipbuilding branch of industry from the stage of its origin in the Lower Volga region, i.e. from fishing to industry. Even very small shipbuilding yards, as well as workshops based solely on manual labor, as well as large enterprises that grew to the level of factories were identified. The deve...
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Caspian projection of the foreign policy of modern Great Britain

Kosov G.V., Balahova Z.O.
250-255   313

In the article, the Caspian region becomes the subject of scientific analysis, as one key area for Great Britain during the XIX-XX centuries. The argument is based on the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, a vacuum of force was formed on the territory of independent Caspian states, which mark...
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Arushan Arushanovich Vartumyan - 60 years old

, , ,
256-257   327

Evgeny Nikolaevich Moshchelkov - 65 years old

258-259   310