Cosacks of Hoper and Ust-Medveditsa Don regions in the Civil war (spring 1918 - autumn 1919)

Satarova A.P.


The article deals with the events of the Civil War on the territory of Hoper and Ust-Medveditsa Don regions and identifies the position of local Cossacks in respect of military and political confrontation of those years.In spite of the fact that the participation of Don Cossacks in the Civil War was highlighted quite well both in the Soviet historiography and in the recent history, in the article we would like to analyze one of the most painful moments of that period in this Land. In the article it is defined the main contradictions that were in the Southern Russia in spring in 1918 and as a result they led to the division of the Cossacks. It is studied the process of transition of Hopper Cossacks and Ust-Medveditsk ones from local conflicts to wide-ranging fighting in the period of the Civil War. It is paid attention to the process of forming up the first troops of Red and White Army in spring in 1918.The conflict was between the cossacs who support Bolsheviks and who were against this idea.The events are described till the autumn of 1919 when the Red Army`s troops displaced the White Guard Military units from the Land and set the Soviet power.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2017 No. 3 (52)




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