Hr strategies in regional branches of political parties under condition of combined elections (on the example of Altai krai)

Shashkova Y.


The article analyses the composition of party lists and single-seat district lists at the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and to the Legislative Assembly of Altai Krai in 2016. The thesis is supported that both campaigns had personalized character connected with specific nature of modern politics as well as restoration of majoritarian component in the elections to the Russian Parliament. Thus political parties were particularly careful while generating lists of candidates. The analysis of social structure of party lists demonstrated that regional branches of political parties made efforts to show their comprehensive character, while in single-seat districts the uppermost importance was given to the recognition and resources of candidates. The comparative analysis of lists of candidates of different levels proved dependence of HR strategies in different parties on their status in the political system: under the condition of combined elections only “United Russia” had enough human resource to campaign at all levels. Other parliamentary parties had to nominate the same candidates at all levels with clear regional emphasis while new political parties hardly participated in the elections.
