Instruments of strategy of indirect actions and "soft power" concerning Russia

Novoselov S.V.


During an era of global challenges and threats Russia has appeared in epicenter of world contradictions, has turned into an object of political, economic and information pressure, constant intervention in her internal affairs from the outside, against the country "undeclared" hybrid information war is launched. The information attacks will for this purpose be organized, financing of antistate political forces is carried out, subjects of protection of human rights in internal political fight are used, provoking of the religious, international and social conflicts is carried out, protest moods are kindled. The Russophobic course of the West is at the moment actually institutionalized, and his conductors hold the leading posts in public authorities, in the international, non-governmental organizations and media. In modern conditions the probability of military action against Russia is improbable first of all because of her nuclear potential, there is no real social base for rocking of a situation in Russia therefore our ill-wishers are forced to strengthen the external pressure upon Russia also, having placed the main emphasis on applications of strategy of indirect actions and "soft power". These actions are conducted with use of certain tools of influence in all main spheres of activity of the Russian state and society - organizational and conceptual, financial and economic, political and legal, sociocultural, foreign policy, defenses and safety.
