Issue 2017 No. 1 (50)


The tradition of democracy in russian society of the X-XIII centuries

Perevezentsev S.V., Strakhov A.B.
9-15   633

Traditions of democracy in Russia have the longest history and go back to the principles of social and political organization of the Slavic tribes. The article considers main processes of development of democracy in Kievan Rus X-XIII centuries, the principles of functioning of the Veche democracy in...
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About the history of relations between China and the Kalmyk Khanate in the first quarter of XVIII century

Tsyuryumov A.V.
15-21   339

The article is concerned with the history of ambassadorial relations between Kalmyk Khanate and the Qing Empire in the first quarter of XVIII century. We used the already well-known published materials and materials for the first time introduced into a science. They show important role of the Kalmyk...
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To the question of formation of secular education in Dagestan

Razakov R.Ch.-M.
21-27   360

In article the questions connected with formation of secular education in Dagestan are taken up. In the 17th century in Dagestan a peculiar writing - Adzham, in languages of the people of Dagestan on the basis of the Arab graphics has been created. Thanks to what the doctrine was available to anyone...
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Specificity of relations of prisoners of wold wars with the local community (through the example of Astrakhan region)

Timofeeva E.G., Lebedev S.V.
27-37   324

On the territory of Astrakhan region (Astrakhan province - during the First World War, the Astrakhan district / region - during the Second World War), thousands of prisoners were housed. Inevitably becomes a contact with the population. Local residents, most of them, treated them with sympathy, show...
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Oil industry Grozny in the First world war

Sulumov Z.H.
38-44   399

Рўhe article deals with the problems of development of the oil industry in Grozny during the First World War. The imperialist war has led developed Grozny oil industry to the global crisis. Caused by it was the fact that the Black Sea straits of Bosporus and Dardanelles were closed, respectively, le...
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The political banditry and fight with him in the Volga region in 1920-1921

Kotelnikov A.S.
44-51   329

In this author discusses the features of the political situation in 1921 in Soviet Russia. The study was research on archival and published material of a vast region of the country - the Volga region. The peculiarity of the Volga region was the fact that in contrast to the Tambov province, Ukraine, ...
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Children's space of provincial town: encuituration. 1920-1930s. (based on the material of Tatar ASSR)

Khanipova I.I.
52-60   321

The increased in recent decades interest in the problems of the Russian childhood, its ideas, boundaries, social concept, perception of a child as a person / as a part of a team, clearly illustrates the possibility of studying new aspects of the relationships between man and the state, the history o...
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Destructive potential of a linguistic nationalism and its manifestations in modern society

Yankova N.A.
61-67   373

The article reveals the content of the notion of linguistic nationalism as a source of current threats to national security of a multi-ethnic society, set preconditions for the emergence of this phenomenon and its manifestations in the globalized world. The aim of the article is to substantiate the ...
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Conduct policy at the present market of entrans of higher educational institutions: specificity, criteria for positioning, effective tools of research

Mineva O.K., Smirnova D.Sh.
68-73   316

The article analyses the behavior of the policy at the present market of entrants of higher educational institutions: specificity, criteria for positioning, effective tools of research of the city of Astrakhan in 2016....
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Changing Russia in a changing world

Novoselov S.V.
73-79   551

The ongoing Syrian crisis, marked a key global trend - a period when a limited group of countries can act according to their own interests, rather than the requirements of international law and morality, it is ended. Thanks to the intervention of Russia in September 2015 in the Syrian conflict proba...
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The problems of international security in international relations theory

Dzhantaleeva M.S.
79-88   369

This article reveals the specifics of the main theoretical aspects of the process of cross-border cooperation, including consideration of the conceptual apparatus, as well as the major methodological approaches, models and types within the world of experience. The key participants of international r...
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Foreign policy information in the context of foreign propaganda

Seyidov V.G.
89-95   306

The Foreign informing analyzed as a complex system which consists of a set of interrelated elements. It reveals the main purpose of this kind of information and carried out theoretical and methodological analysis of the concepts that reflect the different sides of foreign policy propaganda. The arti...
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Post-soviet political “front” in Ukraine

Ulyanova J.S.
95-100   312

In the years of perestroika in the Ukraine “Rukh” was created, the mass political “movement” did not initially exhibit anti-socialist orientation. After the “Orange Revolution” of 2004-2005 for power and solution of pressing social and economic problems “fronts” of the new generation...
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The role of traditional religions in counteraction to religious extremism: regional aspect

Bocharnikova I.S., Postnov S.D.
101-107   327

This article investigates the role of traditional religions in counteraction and prevention of religious extremism among the youth of Astrakhan region. Experts of this research are clergymen of traditional religions and national-cultural communities of the region. The article analyzes experts’ und...
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Cooperation of the Russian Federation with the CIS countries in the field of cultural and educational policy in 1991-2015: historiographical aspects

Drobysheva L.V.
107-112   320

The article considers one of the most important aspects of cooperation between the Russian Federation with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in the field of cultural and educational policy in 1991 and 2015. We are talking about the historiography of the problem. Actualize...
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The political course of the president Hassan Rouhani in factional system of Islamic Republic of Iran

Isacov A.S.
113-119   315

The article aims to explore political course of President Hassan Rouhani in factional system of Islamic Republic of Iran. Research is based on the methodology assuming the analysis of the impact of different factions on republican institutes. In addition, article describes the institutional specific...
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Military-political and strategic cooperation of Russia and China in the sphere of protection and national security

Zou Lihui
120-127   319

This article discusses military-political and strategic cooperation of Russia and China in the sphere of protection and national security. It is noted that the cooperation in the military sphere for Russia is a significant source of foreign exchange earnings, which contributes to the conservation of...
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The phenomenon of “nation” as a cultural and historical dominant

Badmaev V.N.
128-133   306

The article is devoted to historical and philosophical analysis of the concept of “nation” is based on the heritage of the Russian philosophers abroad. Requires review of all the scientific and conceptual heritage linked to national issues, the realistic correlation of our understanding of the n...
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The quality of life as the object of socio-philosophical analysis

Baeva L.V., Zulkorneeva L.I.
133-139   561

Quality is a unique philosophical category, through the prism of which we can make an evaluation of the many phenomena of social and personal sphere. This article analyzes the category of “quality of life” in the socio-philosophical aspect, from the perspective of its genesis and current researc...
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Methodological bases of research motivation phenomenon in the field of behaviour psychology

Gainutdinova E.V.
139-149   385

The research objective is to define the main distinctions in understanding motivation. It was revealed that the majority of psychological concepts of motivation either is identified with the concepts “motive” and “motivation”, or subordinate “motivation” from “motive”, or on the cont...
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Civil society: the possibility and reality

Gobosov I.A.
150-158   335

This article is devoted to topical issues of civil society. The author believes that civil society has emerged in the era of the foundation and development of bourgeois social relations. That is during capitalism person is able to act freely inside existing laws and regulations, and to express its p...
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Weber's philosophy of religion and economic ethics buddhist East

Ulanov M.S.
158-165   346

The article deals with the evaluation of the economic potential of Buddhism in a sociological teachings of Weber. The author notes that Weber characteristic of Buddhism as a religion of "flight from the world" is very controversial. The best refutation of this thesis is the rapid economic growth in ...
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The idea of Russian spiritual identity in the philosophy of V.S. Solovyov

Michurina Z.V.
165-170   307

The article is devoted to the socio-philosophical analysis of the problem of Russian spiritual identity in the works of VS Solovyov, who considered the revival of spirituality of the Russian people by the religious factor and determining the role of Russia in the Christian world. The philosopher bel...
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The issues of national security contemporary political elite

Polkhovsky D.V.
171-176   311

The subject of national security is of particular importance in a managed / unmanaged chaos and constant power capacity of the information war. World political elites are increasingly resorting to manipulative techniques making impact on the public consciousness. There is also an increasing requirem...
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OTTE, Torsten: Salvador DalГ­ & Andy Warhol: Encounters in New York and Beyond. Zurich, Switzerland, Scheidegger & Spiess Publ., 2016, 416 p

AdriГ  Harillo Pla
177-179   359

PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS OF ELITOLOGY. A review of the book“The Philosophy of Elitology”: a collection of works of the First All-Russia Elite Congress with international participation. (Sci. ed. Professor A. M. Starostin). Rostov-on-Don, Don Book Publ.

Podvoiskaya N.L.
180-183   317

PLATONISM IN RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY. Review of the monograph by L.Ya. Podvoisky “Platonosphere of Russian philosophical culture”, Astrakhan, 2011, 212 p

Glazkov A.P.
183-185   321