Changing Russia in a changing world

Novoselov S.V.


The ongoing Syrian crisis, marked a key global trend - a period when a limited group of countries can act according to their own interests, rather than the requirements of international law and morality, it is ended. Thanks to the intervention of Russia in September 2015 in the Syrian conflict probability of overthrowing the legitimate government of Syria, and, consequently, the implementation of US plans and their allies in the reformatting of the region, significantly reduced. A failure of the Russian-American agreement on the Syrian settlement has caused a sharp conflict between the US and Russia. And it came to open the terrorist and military threats to Russia. But Russia is not a country, with which you can talk to a position of strength. Russia has gained significant power and resources to enable it to act against the Western iniquities and to give an adequate response to any of his actions. Russia did not threaten war, it just showed the possibility of a hard political and economic response, capable, in case of further misconduct United States, realize the dream of Obama on the contrary - “to tear to shreds the economy and the financial system in Washington”. Today, Russia - one of the few countries in conducting an independent policy, without the permission of the global hegemon, because we are the only one who has such an effective arsenal of weapons that have to reckon with it the United States. But the possession of these potential uses Russia not to intimidate or bragging rights, but in order to reformat the world, bring it back to the basic principles of justice that acted to the “victory” of the West in the “cold war”.
