The quality of life as the object of socio-philosophical analysis

Baeva L.V., Zulkorneeva L.I.


Quality is a unique philosophical category, through the prism of which we can make an evaluation of the many phenomena of social and personal sphere. This article analyzes the category of “quality of life” in the socio-philosophical aspect, from the perspective of its genesis and current research trends. Studied the origins of the quality and value of life associated with the ancient era, it illustrates its subsequent development in the history of social thought. It was revealed that in modern society, quality of life becomes one of the priorities of social development. The main problem at the present stage of development of knowledge is the systematization and conceptualization of theories of quality of life, analysis of assessment indicators and the formation of research methodology this category. Particular attention in this area deserve socio-philosophical and economic systems of indicators of the quality of life, reflecting its multidimensional nature.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2017 No. 1 (50)




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