Military-political and strategic cooperation of Russia and China in the sphere of protection and national security

Zou Lihui


This article discusses military-political and strategic cooperation of Russia and China in the sphere of protection and national security. It is noted that the cooperation in the military sphere for Russia is a significant source of foreign exchange earnings, which contributes to the conservation of the Russian military-industrial complex potential. This allows the Russian military-industrial complex to expand military-technical cooperation, to develop normally, continuing to invest the minimum required funds in research and development work on the creation of new types of weapons and military technology. As for China, this is the ability to provide reliable access to modern military technology, to ensure the security and defense of the country. Military-technical cooperation of Russia and China also has high political importance, that contributes to a more durable and long-term consolidation of the exporting country to the importing market (recipient of technologies), but also allows to maintain a high quality level of the bilateral relations in general, increases their confidence and friendly nature. The important areas of Russia and China cooperation is the regional security, provided in the format of international organizations, primarily, SCO, BRICS, Security Council of UN; interaction between China and Russia to strengthen security in the Pacific region.
