The role of traditional religions in counteraction to religious extremism: regional aspect

Bocharnikova I.S., Postnov S.D.


This article investigates the role of traditional religions in counteraction and prevention of religious extremism among the youth of Astrakhan region. Experts of this research are clergymen of traditional religions and national-cultural communities of the region. The article analyzes experts’ understanding of the essence of religious extremism that was formulated by them as “In general, religious extremism is a deviant form of religious behavior but more often it has nothing to do with real religions and it is often used for personal purposes”. Experts agreed that an intra-confessional extremism is typical for Astrakhan region but the level of its prevalence is not critical. Awareness of experts about the availability of prevention programs and measures to counter religious extremism is very low. So, more than 60 % of experts do not know or can not call anti-extremism programs. According to informed experts the most effective program is State program of counteraction of ideology of extremism and terrorism (50 %). The article examines reasons of unsuccessful realization of anti-extremism programs. In addition, the article evaluates the activity of religious organizations of traditional religions that aims to prevent extremism at the federal and regional levels. Experts appreciated the role of traditional religions in counteraction to religious extremism at the regional level. Sociological studies allow to identify key opportunities of traditional religions in counteraction to religious extremism.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2017 No. 1 (50)




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