Issue 2013 No. 1 (34)


The problem of the public order protection during the Great Patriotic war (on the materials of the lower Volga region)

Vinogradov Sergej V.
10-16   417

Theassuring of the public order, the state and public safety was an indispensable condition of the reliable functioning of the rear of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War, realization of the effective military mobilization measures and creation of the local self-defense system. In the articl...
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History of filling out of Astrakhan streets

Monin Vadim V.
16-20   470

In article stories filling out the Astrakhan streets are analysed. Specified periods of creation of the Astrakhan roadways. The reasons of selection of materials for замощения the Astrakhan streets are analysed. The interrelation of the various historical periods with growth of the Astrakhan roadway...
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Аctivity of archival bodies in the Astrakhan province in 20–30th years of ХХth century

Drygina Natalia N.
20-26   390

In formation article and activity of the Astrakhan provincial archival management in 20–30th years of XXth century are considered. Having conducted research, the author has come to a conclusion that selfless work of the first archivists of the Astrakhan province has allowed to concentrate during 192...
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From the history of the autonomization of the Cossack population in the national regions of the Northern Caucasus

Akopyan Viktor Z.
26-31   439

In the article is considered a unique phenomenon in the history of nation-building in our country – the autonomization of the Russian (Cossack) of the population in national regions (Autonomous regions) of the Northern Caucasus in the 20th years of the XXth century. The author notes that the develop...
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Regional political centers of the first wave of Russian emigration

Antropov Oleg K.
31-40   364

It wasn’t possible to create the total emigrant political center in 1920–1930s because of the conditions in the environment of the Russian emigration, it was necessary to find an alternative. Only regional and continental political centers of Russian abroad, for example, Western European, Balkan, Fa...
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The organization of public catering in the period of the Great Patriotic war (in the lower Volga region)

Krasnozhenova Elena E.
40-46   339

In the article the organization of public catering in the Lower Volga region during the military period is considered. The role of local authorities and trade unions in the decision of problems of a regional public catering is shown, the lacks, taken place in the activity of public catering establis...
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History of the charter of the Astrakhan region in 1996–2006

Marmilova Ekaterina P.
46-53   453

The article discusses the history and development of the Charter as an example of federal subject the Volga Lowland – Astrakhan region. Among the major historical factors that have influenced changes in the Charter area, you should call the transition form a new Russian statehood, the question of di...
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Political and legal factors affecting the transformation in the composition of the regional legislatures in the 2000s (the case of the regions in South-Western Siberia)

Shashkova Yaroslava Yu.
53-62   332

The impact of the transformation of political regime, political processes and federal and regional laws on political parties and elections, on the political composition and members and the structure of the legislative assemblies in Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Altai Regions are discussed....
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Legal protection of institute of elections in Russia:recommendations resulting from 2012 astrakhan litigations

Grishin Nikolay V.
62-70   398

The article explains the recommendations for changes in the legal protection of the voting rights of Russians on the basis of the electoral crisis in 2012 in Astrakhan. The results of the court contesting the elections in Astrakhan in 2012 highlighted serious deficiencies in the protection of voting...
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Value dimension of the political processes in modern Russia

Ponedelkov Aleksandr V., Kuzina Svetlana I.
70-76   425

Value analysis of the political process in Russia shows that society has formed a request for revival of moral and spiritual paradigm of social development. The article discusses the ideological base for the political course of the government, contained in the message of the President of the Russian...
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The issue of searching of the national idea as a factor of security and stability of the country

Pitsenko Oksana V.
76-81   378

The article is devoted to the issue of searching the national idea of the RF. National idea is the matter of the future of a country, its success and prosperity. We should not forget that Russia is multinational and the experience of the recent Soviet past proved that if the role of national factor ...
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Extremism: to the question about the formation of ethnic conflicts in Russia

Salahutdinova Rezida H.
81-89   369

The article analyzes the attitude of young people to the representatives of the peoples of the North Caucasus region and Central Asia, living in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and factors of their formation. Analyzed the relationship between the concepts and ekstrimizm conflict, ethnic conf...
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World military-political situation and its development prospects

Novoselov Sergey V.
89-99   446

World military-political situation is characterized by continuous process of changing at the global and regional levels. West and the USA today have not enough resources to remain world leaders, and the center of world economic development moved from West to East – to Asia. It’s expected that in the...
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The specifics of a state policy of regulation of the confessional relations in the polietnik region (on an example of the Astrakhan region)

Topchiev Mikhail S.
99-106   353

In article are considered the major factors of realization of a state confessional policy at various levels. At mega level this factors are: globalization processes, religion politicization, free information space, geopolitical problems; at macro level it is set of internal and external factors; at ...
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The formation of the electoral districts as a method of the electoral targeting

Morozova Oksana S.
106-112   356

In the present article there is a focus on the problem of manipulation in the process of cutting out the electoral districts as a method of electoral targeting at the preparatory period of the elections – “gerrymandering”. The examples are taken from the practice of foreign gerrymandering. The autho...
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The political costs of opportunistic behavior in interaction between government and business in the modern Russia

Sukiasyan Arthur K.
112-117   378

The paper analyzes the problem of interaction between government and business in modern Russia. Opportunism as a fundamental element in the relationship between business and government is described and marked out. Defined the political costs of opportunistic behavior in the dyad "power-to-business"....
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Social portrait of the protest movement: the example of «the march of the million» in Moscow and the movement «for honest elections» in the Astrakhan region

Bocharnikova Irina S., Zubova Oxana G.
117-122   519

The article describes the portrait of the protest movement on the example of the city and region, with a view to determining the level of protest activity and its origins. This allows to consider the problem of the modern youth extremism more widely from the point of view of civil activity and the u...
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The level of citizens’ trust to the civil servants (Astrakhan region)

Yarmolenko Larisa V., Chukhalo Vadim V.
122-128   333

The article analyzes the results of the sociological survey conducted in 2012 in Astrakhan region on the measurement of the level of citizens’ trust to the civil servants and government services....
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Integration within the Eurasian Economic Union as a vital factor in sustainability in the face of global world calls

Gavrilina Nataliya E.
128-132   468

In the article the major questions of functioning of Uniform Economic Space and prospect of creation of the Euroasian Economic Union as major association of the states on the postsoviet space are considered. The author considers the major parameters of economic progress of the countries of-participa...
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Information society and the threat of information wars of the beginning of the XXIth century

Makeev Oleg Yu.
132-139   356

In this article the author addresses the role of electronic media (TV and Internet) in the formation of information security in the face of modern Russia risks and challenges associated with the development of information society. Special attention is paid to problems of conflict, resulting in the s...
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Choice of criteria for the automated control system for educational process of college

Aleksandrova Svetlana A., Likhter Anatoly M.
139-145   397

The analysis of a choice of criteria is provided in article for an automated control system for educational process of college. The choice of these criteria is a necessary condition for design of an automated control system by educational process of college. Now for establishments of secondary vocat...
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Institutions of entepreneurial type of economic effeciency formation of the modernization of the national education

Kulikova Julia P.
145-151   357

The study of the category of "innovation policy" showed that in modern economic literature there is no common understanding of the concept of innovation. However, most authors have positioned the concept of innovation policy as a sphere of human activity and management tool. If we consider the defin...
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State competitive of Russia

Perepechkina Elena G.
151-161   362

The article describes the legislative framework of competition policy in Russia. Given the author’s definition of the state of competition policy, and examines the structural elements of the competitive environment. Particular emphasis is focused on the instruments of state of competition policy and...
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The woman as a keeper of family values in Russia(on the basis of the analysis of philosophical creativity of V.V. Rozanov)

Usmanova Liya R., Baeva Liudmila V.
161-165   500

The article is devoted to a family and sex problem in creativity of the Russian philosopher V.V. Rozanov, and also to situation to the woman in system of the Russian outlook. Moreover, in the female nature there is all necessary for civilization and culture revival. V.V. Rozanov repeatedly confi...
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Dynamics of moral genesis evolution of personality

Zyrko Andrey A.
165-171   374

The article is dedicated to an analysis of developing personalitymoral genesis.The research investigated an influence of age-demographic, ambivalent- transitive, educational and deviant- delinquent factors on formation of moral values of modern youth. Results of conducted research represent empirica...
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The main psychological approaches in development of the requirement theory

Gainutdinova Ekaterina V.
171-180   532

The research objective is in analysing the main psychological approaches in development of the requirement theory for detection of distinctions in psychological and philosophical approaches in understanding the requirement. If for modern philosophy the requirement is the main determinant of activity...
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Plato’s philosophy in V. Rozanov’s volumes

Podvoisky Leonid Ya.
180-189   340

The literary and philosophical works by original Russian author, writer of political essays and philosopher V. Rozanov are analyzed in the article. It’s done from the point of view of Plato’s philosophy presence in them. It’s well-known that Rosanov’s works and his philosophy are not well systemized...
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Regional administrative-political elites in the mirror of sociology

Ponedelkov Alexander V.
189-194   358

In the article a detailed content of the report is given. This report was delivered at the section “Political elites” of the VI th All-Russian congress of politologists “Russia in the global world: institutes and strategies of political interaction”, which had been organized by the Russian Associati...
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The factor of the scientific school in elitological researches

Starostin Alexander M., Pustovalova Natalya N.
194-202   341

The scientific school is the most effective and influential form of self-organization of science. The Rostov elitological school, in the frame of which investigations have been carried out since 90ies of the XX-th century, received appreciation. In Russian public sciences and first of all in politol...
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Specificity of activity among PFUR teachers and students in the context of elitological personality forming

Karabuschenko Natalia B., Pilishvili Tatyana S.
202-208   359

The article describes the psychological basis of the professional elites formation, allowing to verify the theoretical model of the elite psychology, which includes a number of components: socially-psychological, requirement-motivational, emotionally-strong-willed, values oriented and intellectual-c...
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The present political elite in Russian public opinion

Yakovleva Tatyana N., Tyrnova Natalya A.
208-219   308

The article analyzes the Russian public opinion about the current political elite attitude, its distinctive features and qualities, the comparison with the Soviet elite, the perception of concepts such as "power", "state", "officials", "bureaucracy", "elite". The author presents a deep and thorough ...
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On the theological roots of elitilogy (katafatic and apofatic research methods of elite)

Karabushchenko Paul L.
219-228   335

Theoretical roots of elitology date back the epoch when religious-mythological representations about selectness still dominated. The history testifies, that long before occurrence of modern elitology, the matters of elite and exclusivity were considered by theology and philosophy. The methods develo...
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Pioneer of the Armenian poetry

Amirkhanyan Mikhail D.
228-234   536

The article is about the history of development of the study of Bryusov’s creative heritage in Armenia, particularly, at Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Bryusov as well the destiny of the known collection "Poetry of Armenia since the Most Ancient Times Up to Now" under V.Ya. Bryusov...
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Interaction with Another in a context of phenomenology of travel

Alekseeva Darya A.
234-240   359

The article is devoted to a phenomenon of a travel as, first of all, to a meeting with Another. In article are differentiated travel as a special type of life and tourism, as the certain unified form of leisure, turning a meeting with Another into an element of culture of daily occurrence. Travel, i...
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Transformation of Gender Roles on the American Frontier

Yakushenkova Oksana S.
240-246   342

The article is devoted to changes of gender roles on the American frontier in the 19th century. New tasks that are faced by women in the framework of the cultural dialogue were often the cause of masculinity behavior and loss of women’s identification. The article considers the cases of gender trans...
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The Formation of Regional Cultural Model of the Caspian Area

Khlyscheva Elena V.
246-252   367

This article gives the analysis of the regional cultural model in order to study the deepest capacity of the region, which becomes the main effective factor in the space of a globalizing world. Caspian Sea today – is an important geopolitical, economic, ecological, cultural zone, the natural boundar...
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In line with century traditions: the russian writers on the armenian earth

Bagdasaryan Robert A., Priorova Irina V., Lebedeva Irena V.
252-265   392

In article historical milestones of dynamics of development of scientific researches and scientific and practical researches in the sphere of the Russian-Armenian literary and culturological relationship in Armenia for the last fifty years having exclusive value and being that model of huge work of ...
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Formation of a uniform state policy in heraldic sphere

Zakutnov Oleg I.
265-273   339

The idea that at the present stage studying of legal bases of the modern Russian heraldry incorporated in federal constitutional laws is actual, established the state symbols of the Russian Federation (a flag, the arms, a hymn), their description and the order of official use is proved.In article to...
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Pragmatic desemantization of grammatical forms in modern word creation: the own the alien

Priorova Irina V., Lebedeva Irena V.
273-278   328

There is a contradiction between the old and the new, between the "own" and the "other" in speechproduction of contemporary authors which are characterized from the point of authoritative specialists whose works today are exemplary...
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Political corruption and scientific plagiarism (the elite struggle against falsification)

Karabushchenko Pavel L., Lebedeva Irena V.
278-286   333

The article considers the falsification and plagiarism problem, which overflowed recently scientific and political community. On concrete examples of the Russian Federation and EU the authors show how the power and the public react to similar cases and how they struggle with them. The article gives ...
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Graduation version of the international media as a resource falsification.Mossad, "The operation against Iran"

Tanasoglo Inna F.
286-291   334

Ali-Reza Askari, a former defense minister in Iran, disappeared in Istanbul on 7 February 2007. Official investigation and plenty of different versions of this disappearance show us the role of mass media in falsification of political reality. Is it version or intentional disinformation? Is it falsi...
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Prospects for the development of protest activity in Russia

D’jakov Oleg J.
291-296   334

The events of the end of 2011 – the beginning of 2012 have allowed to talk about the Russia’s breakthrough in the development of the civil society and the real political opposition. Above all, it comes to the protest movement in Russia after the December elections, which, as everyone knows, remember...
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Key characteristics of the public opinion towards the issues of foreign policy

Grigorev Alexandr V.
296-300   416

This article observes the key characteristics of the public opinion towards the issues of foreign policy. Among of them we studied the intensity of public opinion, its competence and event character. As a result we came to the conclusion that the studied public opinion has low competency, medium lev...
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A new approach to the career management of public servants

Korotkova Natalya A.
300-303   375

This paper deals with the consideration of new approaches to career management and makes suggestion about the topicality of their application in public service. The paper analyzes modern career expectations of enthusiastic public servants and indicates opportunities that can increase effectiveness o...
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Modern east and Russian models: the theorist and methodological analysis

Porokhnyuk Elizaveta V.
303-307   379

This article the leading social, cultural and historically caused factors promoting process of sociocultural transformation the family relations in a traditional family of the East and Russia are considered. Data of sociological researches in the field of a studied problem and the sociological compa...
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Questions to optimize the interaction of municipal authorities with political parties

Izmailova Dilara N.
307-312   352

The paper analyzes the main trends and contradictions of the possible ways to optimize the interaction of the local self-government in Russia and the institutions of civil society. These problems have relevance in light of the crisis of political events of 2011–2012, due to the need to establish cha...
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Present situation and perspectives of the Astrakhan region’s cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Petrikova Viktoriya A.
312-318   352

The subject of the article is a complex study of the Astrakhan Region’s cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran in the modern period of trade and economic relations. Having analyzed the peculiarities of the goods turnover between the partners in recent years, the author reveals the specific fe...
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To the question of governance effectiveness in 2000

Erofeeva Olga V.
318-323   485

The governance is described by the effectiveness and performance, by the level of its function execution in the society and in the political system. One of positions, telling about governance effectiveness in our society, is the federal budget using. The President of Russian Federation controls the ...
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Setting standards of budget expenses for labour costs in pre-schools of Astrakhan region

Storozhuk Karolina V.
323-327   319

This article deals with the algorithm of setting standards of budget expenses for labour costs in education sphere though the example of pre-schools. The paper suggests the possibility of implementation this algorithm in practice. The article analyzes the possibility of more effective use of regiona...
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Russia in the global world: institutions and strategies of political interaction

Понеделков Александр Васильевич, Усманов Рафик Хамматович, Гришин Николай Владимирович, Баранов Андрей Владимирович, Шашкова Ярослава Юрьевна, Мирошниченко Инна Валерьевна
327-340   343

The report contains materials of the VI-th All-Russian Congress of politologists (Moscow, 22–24-th of November 2012), organized by the Russian Association of Political Science, and content of the reports and performances of the participants’ section "Political elites", included in the scientific...
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Multiculturalism in Germany under the pressure of modern criticism: the controversy surrounding the book “Neukoelln is everywhere”(review of the book written by Heinz Bushkovsky “Neukoelln is everywhere”)

Lebedeva Irena V.
340-342   291

This article tells about the new book, which was published in September 21.09. 2012. The author of the book is one of the most famous German mayors – Heinz Bushkovsy. Critics and colleagues have often been compared him with Thilo Sarrazin, the author of the bestseller “Germany abolishes itself”, how...
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