To the question of governance effectiveness in 2000

Erofeeva Olga V.


The governance is described by the effectiveness and performance, by the level of its function execution in the society and in the political system. One of positions, telling about governance effectiveness in our society, is the federal budget using. The President of Russian Federation controls the key questions of activity of control and supervision bodies of all levels of state governance for tasks realization, given by the President of Russian Federation in the Address to the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation, and also for execution of orders, instructions and duties of the State Head. An important role in governance effectiveness performance are given to such tasks decision as: President instructions execution control; optimization and forming of unite control-supervision system with the high level of interaction of all its elements; providing of the principles unity of forming and standards of activity of all control-accountant bodies; providing of the government management quality in total; attention to the business activity and entrepreneurship in global economic crisis conditions. The task of the RF governance is to define the budget sphere problems and to observe the ways of their overcoming one of which is the small executive discipline of some state servants. For effective activity organization, all services accurate interaction it is necessary to employ qualified specialists who have special education, modernized normative-law base, state control system improvement. These events allow to create the unite monitoring system of all resources effective using, which the State possesses.
