The present political elite in Russian public opinion

Yakovleva Tatyana N., Tyrnova Natalya A.


The article analyzes the Russian public opinion about the current political elite attitude, its distinctive features and qualities, the comparison with the Soviet elite, the perception of concepts such as "power", "state", "officials", "bureaucracy", "elite". The author presents a deep and thorough analysis of numerous sociological studies conducted in different years. Having conducted a secondary analysis of data polls, "Levada Center," Public Opinion Foundation, studying and research F.E. Sheregi, M.K. Gorshkov, the authors have tried to reflect the attitude of Russians to the current political elite in the last ten years. Based on the large amount of factual material in the article identified and disclosed the real problems of state and government: its various levels of confrontation, its effectiveness and impact on the lives of ordinary Russians and the functions of the state, division of responsibility between them and society, direct contact between the public and the bureaucracy, their intensity and efficiency, the negative image of bureaucracy generated from actual practice, group and corporate interests of the bureaucracy privilege relations with business, real and potential mechanisms of social control over the bureaucracy, the role of the media, political parties, trade unions, local authorities, the business image of a modern civil servant eyes population.
