Issue 2016 No. 2 (47)

Modernization experiment in history development of Russia and domestic charity

Pokotilova Tatiana E
9-14   519

Patriotic charity at various stages of pre-revolutionary Russian history acquires the status of an integral part of the country and people experienced a number of major modernization experiments and transformations within the wake of reforms of the second half of the XIX century. It has seriously af...
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Features of development of heraldic system in Russia (on the example of the 16-19 centuries

Zakutnov Oleg I.
14-19   337

In article to be set the task, to consider features of development of heraldic system in Russia in the context of the 16-19 centuries. To present creation of the coats of arms of the Russian cities and provinces which are carried out by the Russian and foreign experts. To show emergence and developm...
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The development of trade among the North Caucasian peoples in the 30-50-ies XIX century

Kidirniyazov Daniyal S.
19-25   327

As we move to the North Caucasus Russia to develop trade and economic relations between indigenous peoples and Russian. The Russian government sees trade as a means of rapprochement of the peoples of the North Caucasus with the Russian population, the peace of the first submission. As the settlement...
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Development of private enterprise in the middle of 1920: the features and the causes of crash (on material of the lower Volga region)

Kotelnikov Aleksey S.
26-32   309

Private enterprise in the 1920 was the one part of a mixed economy of Russia, which developed under the influence of natural and historical factors. Attempt to momentary failure of a mixed economy, carried out by the Bolsheviks during the "war communism" policy, has become one of the major causes of...
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Chigirinsky campaign 1677 as the apogee first russian-turkish confrontation

Krivochenkov Roman S.
32-39   347

The article is devoted to the study of the first Russian-Turkish war, with detailed analysis Chigirinsky campaign in 1677, as the first large-scale between Russia and the Ottoman Empire for Ukraine in the light of modern Russian-Turkish relations, make us turn to the experience of history. Author cy...
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Р eople's militia of the far eastern republic: a manning and training

Ornackaya Tatyana A.
39-47   592

Far East republic - the unique buffer formation generated per 1920-1922 in the Far East for prevention of conducting by the Soviet Russia of operations on two fronts. Formation of the state bodies of the buffer on the basis of class principles was the extremely inconvenient. The Substantial percenta...
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Lase of land in the structure of peasant farming in the lower Volga region in the second half of XIX - early XX centuries

Kuzmina Irina V.
47-55   322

The article analyzes the role of rent in the development of land relations in the Lower Volga region in the post-reform period in the materials of the two provinces - Astrakhan and Saratov. The paper discusses the different types of leases, its primary distribution areas, the social composition of t...
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To the question about the inception of the judicial system in the Kalmyk steppe

Ulyumdgieva Elena L.
56-62   332

The article describes the process of creating a judicial system in 1918 in the Kalmyk steppe, which was a part of the Astrakhan province. It was shown the leadership of Astrakhan judicial authorities as an example they have developed the most important “Regulations on the local court of Astrakhan ...
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Hired labor: value, price, surplus value

Racoti Valentin D
63-75   328

The problems of equitable remuneration are relevant to any society under any political system. Hired labor policy and its evaluation are always the prerogative of the state. In our society in the minds of ordinary citizens and many politicians formed a stable installation that the definition of “w...
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The human development index in the Southern Federal District

Averin Alexander N., Ponedelkov Aleksandr V, Usmanov Rafik Kh.
76-82   337

In this article the author examines the dynamics of the index of human development in the regions of the Southern Federal District, the gross national income per capita, the index of income, life expectancy at birth, longevity index, middle, and school life expectancy, education index. Analytical st...
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Russia in a changing world order

Novoselov Sergey V.
83-88   346

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Russia's had to go through quite a shock decay and degradation, enormous social costs and losses. As a result, for many years Russia was thrown to the margins of world politics. This temporary “loss” of Russia in world politics as one of the c...
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Russia's role between Asia and Europe

Shangaraev Ruslan N., Nogmova Adelina Sh.
88-95   561

Today, Eurasia it is the most dynamic global supercontinent. At the same time, all three main regions of Eurasia - the EU, Russia and China are linked large-scale trade relations, having sustained structural. Eurasian integration should not be seen as something deferent from the integration processe...
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The main factors archaism political culture and interethnic relations in the North Caucasus republics

Gadzhiev Magomedemin M.
96-101   331

In this article the author considers highly relevant to the problem of modern Russia - the specificity of the political culture of archaism of the North Caucasus in the context of international relations in the republics of the region. The author refers to the analysis of the main factors archaism p...
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Internet technology as resource activity of political actors

Kurkemova Emilia T.
101-108   333

Different approaches have been reviewed in the article for understanding the essence of information technology as more promising way for political process provision. This problem is topical due to traditional communication form changes during information society forming process and freeware distribu...
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The problems of nationalism in the information space of the activity of the Liberal democratic partyof Russia

Kalinin Vyacheslav A
109-118   527

This article explores the use of elements of Russian nationalism in the discourse of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Analyzes the features of the discourse of the party, its ideological content and the main controversies, influence on the formation of the official discourse of the state and ...
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Astrakhan region in the Caspian system of geopolitical coordinates

Chapkovskaya Ekaterina A.
118-123   329

The article analyzes the value of the Astrakhan region in the implementation of foreign policy of the Russian Federation in the Caspian region. Astrakhan region, occupying favorable for Russia, the geographical position, is the southern Outpost of Russia in the Caspian sea. The author comes to the c...
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Challenges and risks for sustainable evelopment in the republic of Dagestan (ethnic aspects)

Galbatsev Suhrai M.
123-128   398

The sustainable development had a numerous challenges and risks in the Republic of Dagestan. The actual and specific problems of republic is ethnic problems, because it is a region where live a numerous ethnic groups, who has a competition interests. For a multi-ethnic society with unequal compositi...
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The current stage of civil society development: characteristics, concepts and its models

Sirazhudinova Saida V.
128-135   315

The article examines the search, selection and analysis of modern concepts of civil society. The civil society concept is widespread. Civil society played an important role in the post-Communist transformations in the former Communist countries. The concept of civil society became is most significan...
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Manipulation of consciousness as a component of the ideological activity

Ravochkin Nikita N.
135-141   360

In public life result achieving hasn’t ever enough of their own efforts. Manipulators are met all over spheres of modern public life. Even referring to any significant historical events of an era we can note that any event in the political life never happened without anyone's support and action on...
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Protest activity in the media (in 2013-2015

Sokolov Alexander V., Barsky Jakov V.
141-150   299

The protest is a form of communication of society and power which appears a difficult component of development of society and political system of a state. The way in which the media broadcast protest in the information space have fundamental importance for the protest. Therefore important it is how ...
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Public opinion polls in the context of studying resources of modern political authority: the example of the astrakhan region

Dantes Vadim G.
150-155   321

The article is devoted to the current situation of the use of public opinion polls as a resource of political power. It is concluded that today the public opinion polls is not only the mechanisms of control of public - political situation, but also the resources of legitimation of important politica...
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Union State and modern geopolitical relations

Gavrilina Nataliya E.
155-160   331

The article examines the crucial issues of the functioning of federal state in terms of contemporary geopolitical crisis. Are the point of view of scientists, economists and policy analysts, the problem of the external threat, creating the need for new units and integration with the countries of the...
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Trolling political and geopolitical problems (for example, the Middle East conflict)

Ilyin Alexey A.
160-165   436

Afghanistan and Syria for Russian steel control points for the demonstration of weapons and information warfare . US attacks were carried out on all fronts, accusing Russia of the murder of civilians in Syria and Afghanistan. In all such accusations led Russian sound arguments , which just nipped di...
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Formation of the institute of the commissioners of the human rights in Stavropol krai

Kulik Yuriy N.
165-169   447

Specific features of the legal status of the commissioners of the human rights in the subjects of Russian Federation, their place in the system of regional bodies of government are analysed in the article on the example of Stavropol Krai. Functioning of regional human rights's ombudsmen in Russian F...
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Two approaches in modernity studies in social theory

Khoroshilov Artyom V
170-178   389

The concept of “innovation” in the historical and philosophical perspective

Belera Karina L
179-188   320

The article deals with the genesis and analysis of historical development of the notion of “innovation” from antiquity to the present. It is stressed that though the notion of “innovation” appears in economic theory as an established term, however, it includes not only the economic content. ...
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Socio-cultural factors in the selection of destinations (materials some former british and french colonies)

Gusenova Djamila A.
189-196   373

This article provides an analysis of the dynamics of tourism in some countries, former overseas territories of the UK and France. The author emphasizes that the colonial past of some States contributed to the formation of interest from tourists from countries - former colonial powers because of the ...
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Tourism and innovations in the historical retrospective

Leukhin Aleksey N
196-200   343

In the article, the Social Institute of tourism as a sociocultural phenomenon generating innovations was analyzing. It traced the stages of the historical development of tourism since the days of antiquity to the present. It showed that in the conditions of cross-cultural interaction is a mutual enr...
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Syrian youth in the conditions of military conflict: psychological analysis

Karabuschenko Natalia B., Sungurova Nina L., Al Masri I
201-207   394

This study aims to explain the psychological characteristics of adolescents in extreme situations. The strongest challenge for the personality developpement is the war as a social phenomenon that has a detrimental effect on the mental health of a teenager. In these conditions exactly our research of...
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The influence of the regional political elite on the further development of Russia

Vasilyeva Olga V
208-213   333

Russian elite state in the difficult conditions of the present modernization stage is examined in this article, when the general condition of our country's reform will directly depend on successful solving of various problems at the local level. Elites play a dominant role in the regional political ...
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Political significance of “euroislam” idea as a way of self-determination of the ruling elite of Tatarstan

Mirzakhanov Dzhabrail G.
213-219   313

This paper studies euroislamic identity as an ideologically constructed and political motivated phenomenon. Concept “euroislam” served as shorthand label for the interpretation of the “Tatarstan model” at the early beginning Tatar's separatism movement. Euroslamic identity supports local Tat...
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