Tourism and innovations in the historical retrospective

Leukhin Aleksey N


In the article, the Social Institute of tourism as a sociocultural phenomenon generating innovations was analyzing. It traced the stages of the historical development of tourism since the days of antiquity to the present. It showed that in the conditions of cross-cultural interaction is a mutual enrichment of national cultures, and as a result, the formation of supranational cultural trends that reflect a full matrix of knowledge symbolic universal. Permanent break boundaries to form new-frontier area, which played a huge difference in complication semiotic spaces, enhancing motivation travel. Eventually passion in the development of geographic spaces replaced passion in creating spaces conceivable possibilities. In these spaces, creative energies could manifest themselves during the scientific and technological revolution, the results of which are fully able to take advantage of the inventor Thomas Cook organized tourism. Features innovation T. Cook considered through the prism of his religious consciousness, as the cause of the inexhaustible source of creativity and inspiration. The further evolution of the tourism practitioner acts as a repeater cultural patterns, ideas and meanings that are not only determined by people's ideas, but also designed a variety of virtual environmental reality. It obtained compensatory function Social Institute of Tourism as a means of identity assertion in the conditions of growing globalization.
