Р eople's militia of the far eastern republic: a manning and training

Ornackaya Tatyana A.


Far East republic - the unique buffer formation generated per 1920-1922 in the Far East for prevention of conducting by the Soviet Russia of operations on two fronts. Formation of the state bodies of the buffer on the basis of class principles was the extremely inconvenient. The Substantial percentage of the country population, practically a total absence of proletariat, political diversity of the region, interfaced to a high crime rate, fictitiousness of borders and a significant amount of white armies, did practically not instructions of Central Committee RKP. Shortage of experts, blanks, and frequently absence of the legal base adjusting a field of activity of law-enforcement bodies, led to confusion, duplication of functions of state bodies DVR, parallelism in their work. In article process of acquisition and feature of a professional training of militia of the buffer is considered. Orientation to political reliability at acquisition of supervising and local structure of militia DVR has led to growth of criminality, including among employees of law enforcement body. Absence of special knowledge, and frequently semi-illiteracy did not give a possibility of increase of a professional level of militiamen. Opening of rates and schools of a professional training for work on militia has naked problems of a level of the general progress of the population, nonacceptance of ideology of the Soviet authority by it. Completion in October, 1922 of civil war and intervention in the Far East has set a problem of the Soviet region for party functionaries, for the period of existence of the buffer political painting of region practically has not changed.
