Socio-cultural factors in the selection of destinations (materials some former british and french colonies)

Gusenova Djamila A.


This article provides an analysis of the dynamics of tourism in some countries, former overseas territories of the UK and France. The author emphasizes that the colonial past of some States contributed to the formation of interest from tourists from countries - former colonial powers because of the lack of a language barrier, availability of clear and familiar legal and political systems, and religion identical and separate norms of the host culture. Based on the results of data analysis statistics mass tourism in the countries - former colonies of the author comes to the conclusion that remote not bordering territories, when choosing a vacation spot, he selects a territory, in a sense, “familiar”, close sociocultural guided by the need for existential comfort. For example, in Ireland and Australia tourists from English-speaking countries dominate among the rest. In Singapore during the colonial past here have developed a large Chinese and Indian Diaspora, dominant in number in comparison with the indigenous inhabitants - the Malays, also, along with the active participation of the state by the British affected the tourist activity of Chinese and Indians. It is emphasized that the historical colonial past of some States in the twenty-first century, embodied in the new form of “territory development” - tourism.
