Lase of land in the structure of peasant farming in the lower Volga region in the second half of XIX - early XX centuries

Kuzmina Irina V.


The article analyzes the role of rent in the development of land relations in the Lower Volga region in the post-reform period in the materials of the two provinces - Astrakhan and Saratov. The paper discusses the different types of leases, its primary distribution areas, the social composition of tenants. With the use of statistical sources shows the dimensions of the peasant land lease, land prices, ratios of different forms of rent in the farms of the region. It is noted that the lease has an important place in land ownership and land use farmers and other groups, is the main income of tenure and served as the backdrop of economic growth. The peculiarity of the region was a massive rent. For Astra-khan and Saratov provinces were characterized by a combination of different forms of rent, which contributed to the redistribution of land between the estates, strengthening the capitalist forms of land ownership. Despite significant differences (predominance of Astrakhan province Rental for money, and in the Saratov - payment castings or part of the harvest), in the provinces of Lower Volga rent a correlation with the development and growth of capitalist elements in the economy. This is evidenced by the trend of reducing sharecropping agreement and the existence of the rental business individuals and partnerships.
