Issue 2013 No. 2 (35)


Relationship of the russian authorities and the people of the North Caucasus in the period of an aggravation of the Russian-persian relations in the 1740th

Toropitsyn Ilya V.
8-19   416

In article the policy of Russia in the Caucasus in the 1740th is analyzed. In the center of attention there is relationship of the Russian authorities with the people of the Caucasus which weren’t the Russian citizens. That part which was assigned to Dagestanis in strategy of the Russian foreign pol...
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State policy of Russia on fight against islamic extremism in the territory of the Volga region at the end of XX – the beginning of the XXI century

Syzranov Andrey V.
19-27   341

Article is devoted to the analysis of policy of the Russian state on fight against Islamic extremism in the territory of the Volga region region (in particular, in the Astrakhan, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg areas and the Republic of Mordovia). At the end of XX – the beginning of the...
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The problem of repatriation syrian circassians into the russian Caucasus: political – conflict aspect

Baranov Andrey V.
27-35   352

The reasons for and manifestations of political conflict on problem repatriation of syrian circassians into the Russian Caucasus, ways of reasoning and different positions of state power organs by the republics of the North-West Caucasus and ethno-political movements are established....
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Localization of subjective control in various types of student’s internal vision of time

Yasko Bela A., Morozova Ekaterina S., Koverga Alexandra O.
35-42   339

The typological features of the internal concept of time (ICT) and its relationship with main factors of subjective control (general internality, internality of achievements and of failure) are considered. It is shown that ICT changes at different stages of educational activity, that is related with...
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Electoral system as institute of interest articulation

Grishin Nikolay V.
42-49   397

Elections are traditionally defined as the main form of political articulation of the public interest. The question of the deformation of political opinion in this form of articulation remains obscure. This paper proposes a critical approach to the electoral system as an institution of the articulat...
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Development of election systems on the election on legislative authorities in the Volga lowland

Marmilova Ekaterina P.
49-56   320

Recently, becomes relevant to the organization of the electoral system of the Russian Federation. The article examines the evolution of electoral systems in elections to legislative authorities in the Russian regions in the dynamics are studied the objective factors influencing their development. ...
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Peculiarities of protest in the modern political culture of Russia

Zubova Oxana G.
56-62   345

The article deals with the peculiarities of protest in the modern political culture of Russia, with the aim of determining its specifics on the basis of the resultant political context, and the allocation of risks, connected with protest activities for the development of extremism and radicalism, in...
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Participation of the Russian youth in political activity

Abazaliyeva Madina M., Kulyabtseva Valentina N., Tambiyeva Zurida S.
62-67   368

In this article authors consider and analyzed participation of youth in the political activity, acting as means of achievement by young people of the purposes and interests, realization of requirements for self-expression and self-affirmation Youth, having a number of the features following, first o...
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Criteria of quality assessment of representativeness of the electoral systems

Morozova Oksana S.
67-73   314

The article analyzes the use of the proportionality test as indicators of optimal choice of the electoral system. The possibilities of election engineering to influence the outcome of elections to legislative bodies by changing the methods of translation of votes into seats....
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National policy and interethnic consent in multiethnic Russia (on the example of the Republic of Dagestan)

Gadzhiev Magomedemin M.
73-80   341

Article is devoted to the analysis of the interethnic relations in the Russian society and a role of national policy in the course of achievement of an interethnic consent. In the analysis of ethnic processes experiment of the Republic of Dagestan on the solution of problems of interethnic interacti...
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Non-state actors as sources of threats for the international peace and security

Novoselov Sergey V.
80-88   401

The modern system of international security is under deep qualitative changes. It is a question of new character of international relations and their updated formalization: in addition to the traditional subjects of international interaction non-state actors have begun to play an active role. Their ...
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Activities of the representative bodies of power Astrakhan region on the formation regional budget policy in the post-soviet period

Marmilova Ekaterina P., Markelov Konstantin A.
88-97   329

The article reviews the activities of the Astrakhan regional representative assembly on forming regional budget policy in the 1990s. Follows noted that in this period of the Astrakhan regional representative assembly work in difficult economic conditions. Due to insufficient intake of federal funds ...
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The marginal rate of returns of investments in human capital and public policy

Zak Tatiana V.
97-102   312

The article is devoted to the main trends of the rate of profitability of investment in higher education. The main directions of the use of the indexes of the rate of marginal profitability in forming public educational policy are identified by the author. The author justifies the statement that the...
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Control and accounting chamber of astrakhan region as an instrument of state financial control of the Russian Federation

Klykanova Viktoria A.
102-107   343

The article defines the term "financial control", an analysis of the legislation in the area of public financial control in the Russian Federation and the main elements of the system. The authors define the role of the Accounts Chamber of the system of state financial control at the regional level, ...
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The internal financial control system as a factor of efficiency of budgetary funds in organizations

Mironenko Larisa V.
107-112   318

The practical activities of all public institutions are now subject to periodic financial control by the state. In order to improve its efficiency, more organizations are adopting a system of internal controls. This article reveals the main functions and tasks facing the system of internal control i...
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Methodology of standardization budget expenditure in assessing the quality of regional financial

Mironov Stanislav К.
112-120   315

The article presents the author’s method of standardization of budget expenditures to assess the quality of management of regional finances. The use of this technique to determine the rating place occupied the region in any of the areas of their activity or in the complex, comparable to other subjec...
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A modern methods of assessing strategic risks of organization

Lebedeva Anna Vladimirovna
120-127   329

The article is devoted to studying the theoretical and applied aspects of the formation of the system of management of strategic risks. On the basis of this analysis the author offers a refined notion of «strategic risk», classification of strategic risks, which allows to determine the potential ran...
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The development of educational management system in the light of CDIO global initiative and the theory of constraints

Gutman Vitalij A., Gutman Ljajlja R.
127-131   350

This paper deals with the consideration of new approaches to educational system management and makes suggestion about the implementation of development processes considering standards of CDIO Global Initiative and new management technologies, adapted to the secondary education in Russia. The process...
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Socilogic monitoring of drug-situation in youth environment

Leonova Olga V., Mironova Julia G.
131-138   310

The articlethe results of particular sociological research into the problem of drug addiction in youth environment are represented. The most important problems of the local youth, their attitude towards drugs, reasons and motivation of taking psychotropic agents were examined and also the evaluation...
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The problems of spiritual values of the transformation of contemporary Russian society

Kulibaba Sergey I.
138-144   360

In the article describes a problem of modernization of contemporary Russian society and processes of spiritual and value transformation of culture and social and psychological state of population. The growth of creative potential and professionalism of the people is the most important factor for soc...
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Labor resources in globalization (a comparative analysis of the Alien in the sociocultural context of europe and Russia)

Lebedeva Irena V., Van Horn Rachel
144-152   304

The countries of Europe, as well as Russia are experiencing a wide variety of problems associated with the integration of migrants, whose presence has attracted considerable negative attention. Migrants are perceived as "alien", something incomprehensible and unacceptable, even though they can be he...
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The concept of «impurity» in the writings of the African apologists

Zavyalova Elena Evgenevna
152-157   336

The material for this study was the legacy of theologians, who lived in North Africa in II–IV centuries: Tertullian, Minucius, Arnobius, Lactantius. It is they who created the Christian the basis of a special type of religious-philosophical syncretism, which led to the disintegration of the Church i...
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Russian social scientists of the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX century about object-subject interaction of the humanities sciences

Moshchelkov Evgeny N.
157-164   338

This article is devoted to the analysis of development of the domestic humanities, and in particular subject fields of such disciplines, as theoretical jurisprudence (legal philosophy) and theoretical policy (political science, politology) are synthesized. The considered ideas and concepts of domest...
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On the essence of Christian values in the context of philosophical analysis

Baeva Lyudmila V., Garanov Yury S.
164-173   339

The evolution of axiology had a great impact on the system of religious Christian values. Religious values in the system of axiology as a science are the subject of the research. The study aimed to explore the essence of religious Christian values and analyze their general classification. Religious ...
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Basis of positive subject motivation as one of conditions of society modernization

Gainutdinova Ekaterina V.
173-182   325

The research objective consists in analysing the basis of positive motivation of the subject as, speaking about modernization, it is necessary to determine the concept "quality", and also to define and investigate positive conditions for this quality achievement . The positive motivation, in fact, r...
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The theoretical approaches to the problem of modernization

Rudenko Maxim N.
182-191   349

The purpose of this article appears analysis of the concept of modernization and milestones of theoretical understanding of this phenomenon in the foreign and Russian science. The author considers the problem of the relation of modernism and postmodernism, and the question of finding alternative way...
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Mentality as a soul of culture

Reshetnikova Natalya S.
191-197   336

Relevance of the chosen theme is led by strong interest on the part of Russian culture and philosophical thought, which indicates the significance of the influence of the phenomenon of Russian civilization development. The subject of discussion is a mentality and culture of the Russian civilization,...
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Rational and emotional in the aesthetics and artistic practice of imagism

Isayev Gennadiy G.
197-204   320

The article considers the rational and emotional in the aesthetics and artistic practice of imagism. The analysis of the theoretical works by imagists and their poetry allows us to make the following conclusions: in their aesthetic declaration and manifests in artistic work they take a stand for the...
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The metaphysics of the heart in the Platonic direction of Russian philosophical culture

Podvoisky Leonid Ya.
204-213   307

The article explores how "the metaphysics of the heart" is presented in the Platonic direction of Russian philosophical culture. Stresses that for her theme of "metaphysics of the heart" is not only unique, but also through. In order to show this, analyzes of G.S. Scovoroda, P.D. Yurkevich, P.A. F...
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Features of tolerance’ manifestation as properties of the elite personality

Karabuschenko Natalia B.
213-221   331

In this article the author reveals the essence of tolerance as personality traits. In this work we can see the study of the peculiarities of tolerance among faculty RIFP (professional elite) and students from the I, IV, VI courses of different faculties RIFP (potential elite)....
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Corruption proceedings of modern Russian political elite

Serapina Anna Anatolevna
221-228   316

The given article analyses the last corruption scandals which have mentioned the higher echelons of the Russian power. The author gives an estimation of the tendencies which have developed in political practice having the major value for the development of the Russian state and society. Corruption i...
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Cultural security and fear before the Stranger

Romanova Аnna Р.
228-237   346

This article is devoted to fundamental bases of cultural security. The main approaches to determination of cultural safety are analysed in this article. The main problems which allow to define specifics of cultural safety among other, again appeared forms of safety are formulated. In article the num...
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Frontier as a border between "own" and "strangers»

Khlyscheva Elena V.
237-242   316

This article gives the analysis of the modern world in order to create the cultural dialogue, which becomes the main effective factor in the space of a globalizing world, where different cultures must collaborate with each other and search the variant of interaction. In this way, we can considered t...
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The first English ideas about zombies as a reflection of the «cultural encounter with the Other» in the conditions of heterotopia of plantation

Yakushenkov Sergey N., YakushenkovaOlecia S.
242-251   320

Heavy forced labor on the sugar plantations in the Caribbean Islands constantly reduced the number of slaves, that led to the need for continuous replenishment of the new slaves from Africa. Different ethnic Africans groups adapted to the new conditions in diverse ways, but one of the ways of this a...
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Typology of “the other” and questions of identity and difference

Bicharova Mariya M.
251-264   349

The article is devoted to study of the problem concerning understanding “the other” in the context of identity and difference. Besides, the types of “the other” in modern society are investigated. Interaction with “the other” is necessary for making human identity and his attitude to himself. The ap...
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Power elite in the den of political falsification

Karabushchenko Pavel L.
264-274   308

The quality of elite’s professional activity depends on its internal quality. But practice shows that very often elite’s behavior extremely is not professionally with numerous most gross blunders. Owing to this fact they are compelled to come true constantly, and justifying, to lie, forging thus the...
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Geopolitical fantasies and ambitions of Eurasian states in the second half of XX – at the beginning XXI centuries and their influence on modern international political situation

Smolyev Vladimir Valeryevich
274-280   328

Postmodern pattern of political world order gives the science new phenomena not occurring in the world historical practice. The issue of geopolitical fantasies and ambitions is one, of the most important one standing on the agenda in the modern for us age era. The research attempt and solution of th...
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National-cultural public associations in the regional political process

Kazakov Halit H.
280-286   346

The article on the materials of Karachay-Cherkessia are considered political, legal, socio-economic and institutional problems of formation of national and cultural associations, describes the conditions and factors of their politicization included in the regional political system and the political ...
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Communities in regional political process (on the materials of the Chechen Republic)

Ayub M. Saydarhanov
286-293   337

The article defines the essence of the community, their socially important function differs from other forms of territorial self-government people. On the example of Chechnya, the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Chechen Republic shows the variety of forms of local communitie...
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Constructing of social reality by advertising medium

Larionov Igor A.
293-299   399

The article discusses the phenomenon of advertising medium, and focuses on the potential of advertising as a means of transmission of values and culture of the globalizing world of the conductor, contributing to the formation of the total picture of the world of modern man. By virtue of massmedia, t...
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Essence of a political manipulation: theoretical aspect

Solovyov Alexandr V.
299-301   336

The purpose of article is disclosure of essence of a political manipulation. Main objectives: to define concept and signs of a political manipulation, and also to characterize the main forms and methods of a political manipulation....
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Modern communication technologies in the presidential campaign of 2012 in the USA

Gabrielova Elena V.
301-310   329

This article investigates technologies of media coverage of election campaign in the USA in 2012 in order to discover new tactics and their effect on political contest of the candidates. With the help of comparative analysis of previously implemented technologies and empirical generalization of the ...
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Archetype hero in fantasy literature

Demina Anastasija V.
310-317   419

The literary genre of fantasy, based on the use of various mythological characters and plots, is widely popular in modern culture. Fiction writers actively exploit and transform in his work mythological archetypes, affecting thus the collective human unconscious. The most used in the literature fant...
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Forming factors of youth’s electoral activity (by materials of southern Russia)

Ignatenko Vadim A.
317-325   350

The article established the long-term and situational factors of electoral activity of young people (on the materials of the Southern Russia). Analyzed trends and methods to improve the electoral activity of the youth in the implementation of the state youth policy....
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The acquisition of the astrakhan archive in 1920-1928

Burakovskaya Maria S.
325-333   341

The article is devoted to the work of the personnel of the Astrakhan province archive at the detection, registration and concentration of the archive funds of the region in 1920s; the author traces the ways of receiving documents from the departmental archives to the Astrakhan province archive, indi...
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Information support in the process of political decision-making

Voynov Aleksey S.
333-340   359

The article is devoted to the topical problems of the modern information support of political decision-making. Information becomes a factor of effective decision-making and influencing factor in the adoption of decisions, which in the future cause a problematic situation. The duality of the use of i...
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Problem of quality of life in youth policy of the Russian Federation

Egorov Gleb N.
340-344   330

The article is based on the analysis of legal documents and the results of public opinion polls, the author turns to the problem of the quality of life of young people of the Russian Federation. The focus is on both quantitative and qualitative indicators of the problem....
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Methodological Foundations of the Eurasian Gnoseology

Kamynin Sergey S.
344-350   291

This article focuses on analyzing of the main epistemological concepts of Eurasian philosophical tradition. It examines the theoretical features of Eurasian representations of subject and object of scientific cognition as well as its critics of positivist and neo-Kantian scientific strategies. The c...
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Construction of the railway Astrakhan-Kizlyar and its meaning for the Battle of Stalingrad(book review to V.B. Ubushaev «Way of the Great Victory»)

Dzhagayeva Olga A.
350-354   322

Between two cultures The review of book by Necla Kelek “Chaos of cultures. Debate round Islam and Integration”

Lebedeva Irena V., Lebedeva Lyudmila K.
354-358   330

The book by Necla Kelek, the German author of the Turkish origin, published in 2011 was especially popular and actual in a context the debates concerning the best seller by Thilo Sarrazin. The author tries to find out the reasons of misunderstanding between two cultures. Whether these distinctions m...
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From the sensation to falsification: about the discussion of Thilo Sarrazin works reliability The review of Patrik Schwarz monograph «Discussions around Sarrazin. Provocation and answers». Hamburg, Edel Germany GMBH 2010 – 253 р.

Lebedeva Irena V.
358-362   275

The given article expresses various points of view of journalists and politicians concerning the best seller of Thilo Sarrzin are considered, the German public has expressed the ideas in the collective monograph under P.Schwarz’s edition. Discussions concerning ideas of Sarrazin became the main even...
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