Modern communication technologies in the presidential campaign of 2012 in the USA

Gabrielova Elena V.


This article investigates technologies of media coverage of election campaign in the USA in 2012 in order to discover new tactics and their effect on political contest of the candidates. With the help of comparative analysis of previously implemented technologies and empirical generalization of the data, received during investigation of survey results, the study aims at answering the question: what technologies of media coverage are preferred nowadays in the USA and what the results of their implementations are. While investigating the study of Gallop and Pew Research Center data was carried out. As a result the following conclusions were made: the trust of American citizens in traditional media has decreased dramatically for the last years. This circumstance caused the increase of popularity of new media. Modern technologies of media coverage in the Internet in the USA is considered as a means of the development of democracy and civil society, motivation of individual to participate in political activities if the society, a new means for realization of free speech and widening the access to information for citizens. The article presents the analysis of implementation of new communication technologies by candidates in the presidential elections in 2012 in the USA. The analysis showed that despite the negative type of information, presented by new media, the volume of this information is the only point that matters. The distribution of even negative information about the candidate contributes to his popularization among American people.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2013 No. 2 (35)




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