Labor resources in globalization (a comparative analysis of the Alien in the sociocultural context of europe and Russia)

Lebedeva Irena V., Van Horn Rachel


The countries of Europe, as well as Russia are experiencing a wide variety of problems associated with the integration of migrants, whose presence has attracted considerable negative attention. Migrants are perceived as "alien", something incomprehensible and unacceptable, even though they can be helpful to society. In Russia, gastarbaiteri from Central Asia are seen as a threat to national security, and in Germany, Russians and Turks, similar to Tajiks in Russia, elicit anxietyand fear. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken about the failure of multicultural policies while Tilo Sarratsin has blamed foreign migrants for the country’s problems. Yet, in agreement with the German government’s new declaration, highly qualified migrants are able to play a positive role in solving the country’s economic problems.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2013 No. 2 (35)




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