Issue 2023 No. 2 (75)
Тема номера: «Трансформация кочевых обществ Юга России в контексте природно-климатических факторов (XIX – середина XX в.)»


9   447

In memory of Vadim Vintserovich Trepavlov (1960–2023)

Batyrov V.V., Goryaev M. S., Badmaeva E. N., Lidzhieva I. V.
10   430

“To look forward to settlement”: imperial policy in foreign territories

Lidzhieva Irina V.
11-20   749

The relevance of the research conducted is determined by the prolonged influence of climate factors on the development of modern households in several areas of modern Russia that relied heavily on cattle breeding. The subject of this study is the imperial political tactic which includes the transfer...
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City in the system of economic interests of nomadic communities of the Eurasian steppe zone in the 16th–19th centuries

Bukanova Roza G., Kidirniyazov Daniyal S.
21-25   394

The relevance of the proposed topic is determined by the fact that the influence of geographical location and natural and climatic conditions on the economic activity of people remains one of the most important factors in the development of the economy and the territorial division of labor. This was...
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Establishment of nomadic lands of Stavropol Turkmens at the beginning of the XIX century

Koltsov Peter M., Shurguchinov Roman S.
26-31   449

The article is devoted to the issue of establishing the boundaries of the nomadic territories of the Stavropol Turkmens after 1771, who found themselves without their own pasture territories. In the XVIII century, the Turkmens were included in the system of nomadic places of the Kalmyk uluses, but a...
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The crisis of the seasonal migration system in the XIX century, as the main factor of transition to semi-settled and settled economy.

Batyrov Valery V.
32-40   568

The article is devoted to the study of the crisis of the system of seasonal migrations in the XIX century, when the developed system of seasonal migrations under the influence of the policy of the Russian administration was under attack. The consequences of the destruction of the old system of nomad...
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Adaptation of the traditional economic activity of Astrakhan Nogais to the natural conditions of the Lower Volga region

Idrisov Eldar Sh.
41-47   404

The article is devoted to the description of the economic activity of the Astrakhan Nogais in the context of its changes in the natural conditions of the Lower Volga region, after its entry into the Moscow state. It should be noted that in the population of the Astrakhan Region, Nogais are represent...
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Administrative and veterinary supervision of cattle transport and fight against locust and ground squirts in the Kalmyk Steppe at the end of the 19th century as a factor of natural and economic well-being of the region

Avliev Vyacheslav N.
УДК 94(470)“16/19”
48-53   361

The interaction of nature and man in the modern world is a very important component of the well-being of man as a biological species. In our opinion, referring to the historical experience of the actions of state authorities in relation to various types of management and their connection with natura...
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Transition of Nomads of Altai Mountains to Sedentarization: Social Technologies and the Transformation of Traditional Economy (ХIХ – first third of the ХХ)

Belozerova Marina V.
54-61   382

The problem of transferring nomads living and leading their economy in the conditions of mountainous ecological systems (Gorny Altai) to a settled way of life urgency is determined both by fundamental changes in their socio-economic life, and by the ideology formation on this basis. The study purpos...
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Transformation of the Nomadic lifestyle of the Stavropol Turkmens in the XIX–XX centuries

Brusina Olga I.
62-71   445

The purpose of this work is to determine the type of cattle breeding economy and society of the Stavropol Turkmens, as well as to identify the main factors influenced the transformation of the nomadic society, to assess the stability of the nomad tradition after the cardinal change of the type of ec...
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"Rich before the first storm": government measures to overcome the effects of severe winters in nomadic societies

Shurguchieva Julia S., Goryaev Mergen S.
72-80   326

The importance of the study is conditioned by the geographical placement of the Kalmyk plateau, it’s climate characteristics as well as the main activity of its native inhabitants - active cattle breeding. The purpose of the article is to examine governmental aid, which was directed at overcoming th...
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Sauna relations: The ethnoecological component of nomads ethnic and ethnosocial stratification

Sadovoy Alexander N.
81-90   384

The change in scientific paradigms and methodological approaches in the study of "nomad" societies increase the relevance of the study of modern processes of ethnic stratification among ethnic groups that have retained traditional economic specialization. The purpose of the study was to identify the...
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Implementation of the soviet project in the Nogai steppes of the North Caucasus in the 1920s–1930s

Dzhumagulova Aigul T.
92-102   352

The publication presents the problem of reception of the soviet project among nomadic, semi-nomadic and sedentary Nogais who lived in the steppe zone of the North Caucasus in the 1920s–1930s. Despite the solid historiography on the history of relations between the socialist government and nomadic pe...
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On the Question of Natural and Climatic Factors and the Transition to Settlement of Nomadic Kalmyks (1920–1930s)

Badmaeva Ekaterina N.
102-111   524

The relevance of the stated problems is due to the tasks put forward at the present time of a detailed study of the individual components of the nomadic lifestyle in a modernized society and the resistance of Kalmyk nomads to specific natural and climatic factors. The purpose of the presented scient...
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The role of land reclamation in the socio-economic development of the nomadic peoples of the South of Russia (middle 1920s–1930s).

Vinogradov Sergey V., Erdneeva Baina A.
112-121   366

The study examines the historical experience of the development of melioration in the territories inhabited by nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples – Kalmyks, Astrakhan Kazakhs, Nogais, Stavropol Turkmens during the period of collectivization of the country's agriculture. The purpose of the article is t...
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The impact of natural and climatic factors on demographic processes (Using the Republic of Kalmykia as a case study)

Nemgirova Sofia N., Ulyumdzhieva Ludmila V.
122-130   591

To ensure a country’s national security, preserving its population is a must. Demographic processes which are affected by many factors (including external factors), affect all areas of socio-economic development of a country as a whole as well as every region of said country on their own. Due to thi...
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The Nomadic subject: perception and reinventing of G. Deleuze and F. Guattri`s nomadology in Posthumanism

Arefev Alexander A.
131-137   326

The article considers the transformation of Deleuze and Guattari's concept of "nomadic subjectivity" in the context of modern posthumanism. Unlike "rhizome," "nomadic subject" has no strict definition — the French philosophers appeal to historical figures (Vauban, Desargues, Kierkegaard, and others)...
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Cluster "Atmospheric Precipitation" in the Vocabulary of Kalmyk Folk Songs

Borlykova Boskha K.
138-143   382

The article deals with the issues of systematic nature of the folklore lexicon, in particular, the idea of clusters and cluster analysis is used to identify the national and cultural identity of the vocabulary of Kalmyk songs recorded by G. Balint, E. Dzhabdykov, A. M. Listopadov, G. J. Ramstedt, N....
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About the scientific project "Transformation of nomadic societies of the South of Russia in the context of natural and factors (XIX – mid XX centuries)"

Badmaevs Ekaterina N.
144   339

The role of the natural and climatic factor in the history and culture of the nomadic societies of Central Asia: the phenomenon of weather (book review: Drobyshev Yu. I. Climate and khans: the role of the climatic factor in the political history of Centra

Omakaeva Ellara U., Badmaeva Ekaterina N.
145-151   302

The review examines the main provisions of the monographic work of Y. Drobyshev showed its relevance and significance for the domestic and foreign nomadic studies. Conducted by the author of the reviewed monograph the research has shown all steadiness and debatability of the stated problem. Multidim...
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Musa Muslievich Ibragimov — 75 years old

Vinogradov Sergey V., Romanova Anna P., Krasnozhenova Elena E., Eshchenko Yuliya G.
152   356