The crisis of the seasonal migration system in the XIX century, as the main factor of transition to semi-settled and settled economy.

Batyrov Valery V.



The article is devoted to the study of the crisis of the system of seasonal migrations in the XIX century, when the developed system of seasonal migrations under the influence of the policy of the Russian administration was under attack. The consequences of the destruction of the old system of nomadism in the late XVIII – early XIX centuries immediately caused such negative phenomena as an increase in the number of "cattle-free" poor Kalmyk families. In the future, the policy of the Russian administration on the resettlement of peasants from the central provinces on the territory of Kalmyk nomads led to a reduction in pasture territories and made it physically impossible for the traditional pasture system to function, which became one of the main factors in the transition to semi-settled and settled farming. It should be noted that since the middle of the XIX century, Kalmyk society has been actively adapting to natural and climatic conditions with the help of new methods of cattle breeding. It has found a new strategy for survival and adaptation of cattle breeding to more severe and unfavorable conditions — the transition to semi-nomadic cattle breeding. In this situation, the nomadic society took such unprecedented measures as the fragmentation of large ethnic groups into smaller ones that roamed the Khotons within their ulus. Also, Kalmyk cattle breeders began to apply measures to intensify cattle breeding by creating artificial reservoirs on the routes of nomads and harvesting hay on the territory of winter places. All these measures entailed profound structural changes in the traditional culture of the Kalmyk people.



The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Project № 22-18-00313 “Transformation of nomadic societies of the South of Russia in the context of natural and factors (XIX – mid XX centuries)” (


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 2 (75)


Article information




Batyrov V. V. The crisis of the seasonal migration system in the XIX century, as the main factor of transition to semi-settled and settled economy. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 2 (75), pp. 32–40.Х_2023_2_2.


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