Transition of Nomads of Altai Mountains to Sedentarization: Social Technologies and the Transformation of Traditional Economy (ХIХ – first third of the ХХ)

Belozerova Marina V.



The problem of transferring nomads living and leading their economy in the conditions of mountainous ecological systems (Gorny Altai) to a settled way of life urgency is determined both by fundamental changes in their socio-economic life, and by the ideology formation on this basis. The study purpose owas to reflect the process of transition to settled life of the autochthonous peoples of the Altai Mountains, its consequences, and to outline social technologies as a component of the national policy of the state. The principles of system and process approaches were used as a methodological basis. The used sampling method and comparative analysis made it possible to identify common features of the transition to settled life of the autochthonous peoples of Gorny Altai in the 19th — the first third of the 20th centuries. The archival documents deposited in the state archives funds were involved for the analysis. The author came to the following results and conclusions: the stages in the process of transferring the nomads of the Altai Mountains to a settled way of life (missionary or state-clerical during the 19th century and state in the 1920–1930s), orientation towards a qualitative change in the way and way of life of the autochthonous. The social technologies of transferring the nomads of the Altai Mountains to a settled way of life are revealed as a conscious activity of social institutions — the Altai Spiritual Mission and the governing bodies of the Oirot Autonomous Region. They acted in different historical conditions, pursuing a common goal. Ecological factors of transfer of nomads to settled way of life were not taken into account. The author came to the following results and conclusions: the stages in the process of transferring the nomads of the Altai Mountains to a settled way of life are distinguished: state-clerical (missionary), covering the 19th century, and state in the 1920-1930s. The orientation of the authorities towards a qualitative change in the way of life of the autochthonous population was characteristic of both stages. The social technologies of transferring the nomads of the Altai Mountains to a settled way of life are revealed as manifestations of the conscious activity of political subjects (social institutions) - the Altai Spiritual Mission and the Oirot Autonomous Region executive authorities. It is the subject of politics acted in different historical conditions, pursuing a common goal. The environmental factors of the transition of nomads to settled life were not taken into account either at the first or at the second stages.



The study was carried out within the framework of the State Assignment of Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Monitoring the Ethno-Social Situation in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation: Methodology and Methods of Information Support for National Policy», registration number 122032300400-5 FGRW-2021-0014.


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 2 (75)


Article information




Belozerova M. V. The Transition of Nomads of Altai Mountains to Sedentarization: Social Technologies and the Transformation of Traditional Economy (ХIХ – first third of the ХХ). Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 2 (75), pp. 54–61.Х_2023_2_54.


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