Adaptation of the traditional economic activity of Astrakhan Nogais to the natural conditions of the Lower Volga region

Idrisov Eldar Sh.



The article is devoted to the description of the economic activity of the Astrakhan Nogais in the context of its changes in the natural conditions of the Lower Volga region, after its entry into the Moscow state. It should be noted that in the population of the Astrakhan Region, Nogais are represented by several groups that have their own established economic and cultural specifics. Among the controversial issues that are reflected in the literature of local lore, the question of the correlation of the Nogai population of the region with the previous period associated with the existence of the post-Horde formation of the Astrakhan Khanate and, accordingly, continuity in their economic complex is polemically considered. In regional conditions, the Nogais have a gradual reduction in the number of livestock and, accordingly, the areas of nomadism. The equipment of settled settlements, which have been used as temporary wintering grounds for quite a long time, is gradually increasing. Among the groups of Astrakhan Nogais, the process of sendentarization took place in different ways, respectively, the transition from mainly cattle farming to various types of agricultural activities in the form of vegetable growing, melon growing and gardening had its own characteristics. In the Lower Volga region, the importance of fishing in the organization of economic activity is increasing It should be noted that in the conditions of the development of the capitalist economy in the XIX century, industrial capital was also formed among the Astrakhan Nogais. Regional natural conditions and socio-economic processes influenced the peculiarities of economic activity of Astrakhan Nogais. With the advent of Soviet power, all groups of Astrakhan Nogais who have preserved a seasonal nomadic lifestyle settle to the ground administratively, the organization of their economic activities is subordinated to the tasks of collective farm construction



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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 2 (75)


Article information




Idrisov E. Sh. Adaptation of the traditional economic activity of Astrakhan Nogais to the natural conditions of the Lower Volga region. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 2 (75), pp. 41–47.Х_2023_2_41.


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