The role of land reclamation in the socio-economic development of the nomadic peoples of the South of Russia (middle 1920s–1930s).

Vinogradov Sergey V., Erdneeva Baina A.



The study examines the historical experience of the development of melioration in the territories inhabited by nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples – Kalmyks, Astrakhan Kazakhs, Nogais, Stavropol Turkmens during the period of collectivization of the country's agriculture. The purpose of the article is to study the role of land reclamation in the socio-economic development of the nomads of the South of Russia. The article is written on the basis of archival materials extracted from the Russian State Archive of Economics, the National archive of the Republic of Kalmykia, the State Archive of the Saratov Region, the State Archive of the Recent History of the Stavropol Territory. The archival documents involved in the process of research made it possible to conclude that the introduction of land reclamation technologies into the economic life of the nomadic peoples was of a progressive nature, radically changing the centuries-old way of life of the nomads. But it was not without mistakes and excesses. Thus, party and state bodies in nomadic regions, due to the lack of relevant knowledge and experience, often could not ensure the organization of work in the field of land reclamation at the proper level, and meet the strict deadlines for their implementation. But, despite the difficulties, the implementation of reclamation work made it possible to introduce into agricultural circulation significant areas of previously empty lands, increase the productivity of agricultural crops, instill a culture of agriculture in yesterday's nomads, get a reliable source of fodder for livestock, Permanent settlements began to be built on irrigated lands, contributing to the settlement nomadic population and introducing it to new forms of management


Contribution of the authors

Vinogradov S. V. — development of the research concept, substantiation of the purpose of the article; revision of the text; final conclusions; Erdneeva B. A. — work on identifying sources, preparation of the source text.


The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Project № 22-18-00313 “Transformation of nomadic societies of the South of Russia in the context of natural and factors (XIX – mid XX centuries)” (


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 2 (75)


Article information




Vinogradov S. V., Erdneeva B. A. The role of land reclamation in the socio-economic development of the nomadic peoples of the South of Russia (middle 1920s–1930s). Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 2 (75), pp. 112–121.Х_2023_2_112.


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