Cluster "Atmospheric Precipitation" in the Vocabulary of Kalmyk Folk Songs

Borlykova Boskha K.



The article deals with the issues of systematic nature of the folklore lexicon, in particular, the idea of clusters and cluster analysis is used to identify the national and cultural identity of the vocabulary of Kalmyk songs recorded by G. Balint, E. Dzhabdykov, A. M. Listopadov, G. J. Ramstedt, N. Ochirov, A. V. Burdukov, B. Dzhimbiev, N. K. Volkovich, N. Ts. Erendzhenova, C.-D. Nominkhanov, B. M. Sandzhieva, B. B. Okonov, L. Tsebekova. The purpose of this article is to identify lexemes by meaning related to the cluster "Atmospheric precipitation". The cluster under consideration consists of two subclusters “names of precipitation formed on the surface of the earth and on objects” (chig, namrһ, shүүdr 'dew', tsang 'hoarfrost, frost', mөsn 'ice, ice floe') and 'names of precipitation falling on the earth's surface. surface” (khur 'rain', tsasn 'snow', möndr 'hail'). The theoretical and methodological basis of the article was the main provisions of modern Russian linguistic folklore, including the study of the vocabulary of Russian folk songs as a system, presented in the works of A. T. Khrolenko, A. M. Bobunova, S. V. Supryagi, M. A. Bobunova. The cluster principle differs from the usual thematic classification of lexemes in that it includes words belonging to different parts of speech, which makes it possible to more fully represent one or another fragment of the “picture of the world”. In the vocabulary of Kalmyk songs, the most frequent lexemes were "names of precipitation falling on the earth's surface": khur 'rain' (25), mөsn 'ice' (9), tsasn 'snow' (8), the lexemes mөndr ' hail' (4) and chig 'dew' (5).



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  2. Bobunova, M. A., Khrolenko, A. T. Konkordans russkoy narodnoy pesni [Concordance of Russian folk songs]. Kursk: Kursk State University; 2008, vol. 2, 315 p.
  3. Bobunova, M. A., Khrolenko, A. T. Konkordans russkoy narodnoy pesni: Pesni Kurskoy gubernii [Concordance of Russian folk songs: Songs of the Kursk province]. Kursk: Kursk State University; 2007, 258 p.
  4. Borlykova, B. Kh. Kalmytskie istoricheskie pesni: opyt klasternogo opisaniya leksiki [Kalmyk historical songs: an experience of cluster description of vocabulary]. Vestnik Kalmytskogo instituta gumanitarnykh issledovaniy RAN [Bulletin of the Kalmyk Institute for Humanitarian Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. 2013, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 47–52.
  5. Borlykova, B. Kh., Omakaeva, E. U. Klasternaya struktura imennoy leksiki kalmytskikh istoricheskikh pesen v zapisi A. V. Burdukova [Cluster structure of nominal vocabulary of Kalmyk historical songs recorded by A. V. Burdukov]. Vestnik Kalmytskogo instituta gumanitarnykh issledovaniy RAN [Bulletin of the Kalmyk Institute for Humanitarian Research, Russian Academy of Sciences]. 2015, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 86–90.
  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 2 (75)


Article information




Borlykova B. K. Cluster "Atmospheric Precipitation" in the Vocabulary of Kalmyk Folk Songs. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 2 (75), pp. 138–143.Х_2023_2_138.


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