Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)

Features of the interior of noble and merchant mansions of the first half of the XIX century (based on the materials of Astrakhan)

Kucheruk Irina V.
9-12   438

The history of interior design belongs to a fairly young area of historical research, scientific interest in which took shape only in the second half of the XX century. Now we live in a "redesigned world" (Ralph Kaplan), which determines the activation of attention to the past of design, including...
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Some questions of the struggle for Soviet power in Chechnya (1917–1920)

Ibragimov Movsur M., Alishanova Malika H.
13-16   510

The establishment of Soviet power in Chechnya determined its development for many decades, the consequences of which we are still experiencing. The authors note that after the February Revolution, the Provisional Government showed inactivity in resolvi...
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The results of the restructuring of the enterprises of the People's Commissariat of Armaments in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War

Efremenko Valentin V., Kalinov Vyacheslav V.
27-31   647

The increasingly complicated geopolitical situation, the need to increase the volume of weapons and their modernization is extremely relevant to the study of plots related to the restructuring of the defense industry during the Great Patriotic War. The...
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Features of the development of Russian-Afghan cooperation in the field of culture and education at the present stage

Nargis Afghanyar
48-51   585

The article is devoted to the development of Russian-Afghan relations in the field of cultural cooperation. The historical and cultural heritage of Afghanistan has suffered on a significant scale during the years of military upheavals and disasters. Ma...
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Agonistic memory and its prospects for the post-soviet states

Letnyakov Denis E.
52-58   568

The paper is devoted to the study of memory regimes in the post-Soviet states. The author refers to the classification of memory regimes into antagonistic, cosmopolitan and agonistic ones and aims to analyze the reason of domination of the antagonistic...
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European Identitarianism as a Pan-nationalist Movement: between Separation and Integration

Sigachev Maksim I.
59-63   603

The turn of the 2010-2020s is characterized by crisis at several levels - global, international (interstate), regional and national. The ethnic factor is once again taking on a special significance in the analysis of political processes, including thos...
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The religious aspect of B. G. Niebuhr’s political views

Sazonova Tatyana A.
86-90   333

The research contributes to socio-political studies of 19th Europe. It also concerns the current issue of church politics. The article purposes an analysis of the writings of Prussian statesman and historian B. G. Niebuhr and the interrelation between ...
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Organization of international activities of the subjects of the Russian Federation: work on mistakes

Zotov Vyacheslav S.
91-96   298

The article is devoted to the study of the international activity of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The transformation of the system of subjects of international relations influenced the relevance of the study. The number of subjects on the in...
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Features of modern political protest in the western regions of Kazakhstan .

Gaetkulov Emil N.
97-101   460

In the western regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are of geopolitical importance for the Russian Federation, the format of political protest is changing. Therefore, the article analytically examines the expression of mass civil discontent in ...
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Turkish-Adjarian relations in the post-Soviet period: the religious and economical aspect (1991–2018)

Akhmatshina Enesh K., Luchenkov Ivan R.
102-106   282

The study concentrates on the analysis of the activities of Turkish governmental and nongovernmental organizations in the territory of the Adjarian Autonomous Republic. The major historical period covered by the research is the post-Soviet era that pre...
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Geopolitical and economic landscape of the Great Caspian region.

Golovina Ekaterina E., Golovin Vyacheslav G.
107-111   483

In modern international conditions, there is a historical change of two types of structures: world economic and technological, which are accompanied by global transformational transformations in the world. If the change of previous ways took place in t...
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Effectiveness and limitations of the use of "soft power" in China's foreign policy

Chao Bingqing
112-116   436

China is currently in the process of emerging as a great power. In this process, the country has reached a very high level, its GDP has risen to the second highest in the world, its foreign exchange reserves have also ranked first in the world for many...
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Socio-psychological bases of the manipulative process

Avdeenko Evgeniia V.
117-121   251

The purpose of the article is to investigate the explication of mental processes, structures, phenomena and mechanisms that become the basis for the implementation of effective manipulation. The article analyses the role of the unconscious in thought p...
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The role of social communications in the formation of a positive image of Russian institutions of law and order

Muratshina Yulia R.
122-127   403

This article discusses the construction of the image of law enforcement institutions in social communications. The importance of the communicative function of law enforcement institutions is pointed out, its philosophical and legal aspects are analyzed...
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Virtual gamification of the economic sphere of modern society

Bibarsov Dmitry A.
128-133   331

The article discusses the features and manifestations of the process of virtual gamification in the economic sphere. The main features of the modern economic sphere, understood within the framework of the concept of "late capitalism" are highlighted. T...
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Conceptualization of "nature" and "human" in the philosophy of I. Kant

Mednikova Anna A.
134-138   325

The concept of "nature" is of greater interest since it is associated with a whole system of understanding the world and human. Of particular importance is the philosophy of I. Kant in which "nature" was of great importance. He analyzes this term, iden...
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Crucial symbols in national identity formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kholova Lyubov A.
139-143   402

This article examines the main Kazakh symbols in the context of cultural memory and the current state policy of independent Kazakhstan. The author considers national symbols as symbols that support and form the national identity of Kazakhs. The essence...
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Movsur Muslievich Ibragimov – 65 years old

Vinogradov S. V., Romanova A. P., Krasnozhenova E. E., Eshchenko Y. G.
144   291

Features of the work of the Astrakhan provincial commission for combating desertion during the civil war (1919–1921)

Mametev Ilya V.
17-21   411

The little-studied local history aspect of the problem of the Bolshevik government anti-desertion work on the territory of the RSFSR since the creation of the local authority to fight against desertion from February 1919 to December 1921 is considere...
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Children's institutions of the Leningrad region under occupation: 1941–1944

Krasnozhenova Elena E.
22-26   410

The relevance of the study of the problem of the functioning of children's institutions in the Leningrad region under occupation is due to the fact that the occupiers paid considerable attention to monitoring the work of children's institutions and c...
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Culture in the daily life of the population of Kabardino-Balkaria during the Great Patriotic War

Tetuev Alim I.
32-39   411

On the basis of new archival documents and other sources, the culture in the everyday life of the population of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in wartime conditions has been studied. New forms and methods of work of libr...
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Search for adequate mechanisms and resources to ensure the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation: points of view

Bodrova Elena V., Gaytamirova Socita A.
40-47   520

The article presents an analysis of the assessments, conclusions and recommendations of representatives of various conceptual approaches to solving the problem of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the st...
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State policy in the field of higher education in modern Kazakhstan: features and development trends

Burangulov Emil R.
64-67   480

In recent years, new programs of state policy in the field of higher education have been implemented in Kazakhstan, which is of interest to Russia due to the need to modernize higher education taking into account new conditions. In this regard, the a...
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The idea of Eurasianism in the context of constructing the political identity of modern Kazakhstan and its institutional implementation

Kabaziev Manarbek Sh.
68-73   424

The article is devoted to the analysis of the Eurasianism idea in the context of constructing the political identity of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author proceeds from the premise that the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the need for intensi...
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The Factor of Russia's Foreign Policy in the Patriotic Attitudes of Siberian Students at the Present Stage

Kazantsev Dmitry A.
74-78   318

Today, the voice of those who support the foreign policy of the Russian government get louder, as well as those who condemn it, although, to a lesser extent. There is not much information about what the regional youth thinks about Russia's foreign po...
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Individual in the context of neoliberal manipulation, as well as busyness propaganda and overwork

Chulkov Dmitrii I.
79-85   286

Against the background of ongoing changes in socio-political processes, the value of hired labor is being rethought, which determines the relevance of research on this topic. This article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomena of neoliberal mani...
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