Search for adequate mechanisms and resources to ensure the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation: points of view

Bodrova Elena V., Gaytamirova Socita A.



The article presents an analysis of the assessments, conclusions and recommendations of representatives of various conceptual approaches to solving the problem of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study was to consider various points of view about the reasons for the inhibition of innovative processes in the scientific and technical complex of the country; substantiation of own conclusions based on a wide range of data. The relevance of the publication is determined by the fact that the increasingly complicated geopolitical and economic situation necessitates a change in the previous economic course, and causes very sharp discussions in society. The conclusion is formulated that a significant part of the authors insist on the conclusion, justifying it with "depressing" data, about the inability of purely market mechanisms to ensure economic growth and technological breakthrough. The negative results of the previous period were the result of the lack of a strategy for the socio-economic development of the country developed with the participation of all leading specialists, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian modernization model and the result of the crisis that engulfed economic science, largely due to the commitment to the previous type of financial and economic policy. One of the most important miscalculations was the non-attraction of the whole society into transformational processes, which should be cultivated at all levels. Currently, optimism is inspired by the emergence of new "growth points", free economic zones, expanding forms of state support for innovative projects.


Contribution of the authors

Bodrova E. V. – formation of the concept of the article, processing and analysis of the material, writing the article; Gaitamirova S. A. – writing the article, scientific editing of the text


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)


Article information




Bodrova E. V., Gaytamirova S. A. Search for adequate mechanisms and resources to ensure the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation: points of view. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 1 (74), pp. 40–47.Х_2023_1_40.


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