Virtual gamification of the economic sphere of modern society

Bibarsov Dmitry A.



The article discusses the features and manifestations of the process of virtual gamification in the economic sphere. The main features of the modern economic sphere, understood within the framework of the concept of "late capitalism" are highlighted. The features of the concepts of "production" and "consumption" within the framework of the temporality of late capitalism are outlined, and a conclusion is made about the playful nature of modern consumption. A model for understanding the concept of "consumption" in the context of virtual gamification of the economy has been built. A socio-philosophical analysis of the main manifestations of the introduction of game mechanics into the process of direct production, as well as consumption in the temporal conditions of late capitalism, has been carried out. Using specific examples, the author explores the possibilities of using game mechanics (including PBL gamification) in the economic sphere of society. On the basis of statistics, cases of impulsive purchases within the framework of Double Eleven sales in China are described, and the possibilities of using crowdsourcing platforms in modern production are also investigated. A brief description of the current state of the video game industry as part of the modern economy is also given, in particular, the main problems and prospects for the Russian video game industry are highlighted. Based on the study of statistical studies, a conclusion was made about the deepening of the process of gamification and the importance of its further theorizing and socio-philosophical analysis.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)


Article information




Bibarsov D. A. Virtual gamification of the economic sphere of modern society. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 1 (74), pp. 128–133.Х_2023_1_128


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