The idea of Eurasianism in the context of constructing the political identity of modern Kazakhstan and its institutional implementation

Kabaziev Manarbek Sh.



The article is devoted to the analysis of the Eurasianism idea in the context of constructing the political identity of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author proceeds from the premise that the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the need for intensive nation-building in the newly independent countries. This task is dictated by the need to create and legitimize political institutions. It was necessary to construct a new political identity that would unite the nation to do this. There are several scenarios for the consolidation of society in modern Kazakhstan. It is a combination of attempts to build a civil or ethnocentric nation. At the same time, in addition to creating an internal platform, it is necessary to construct an identity at the supranational level. This task is driven by the need to fit society into a larger context. The article describes five scenarios of how this was possible. One of them, which was subsequently chosen, is the Eurasian integration scenario. Its historical background, current state and prospects are described. The idea of Eurasian integration was suggested by the leadership of Kazakhstan. It also gives a general description of the EAEU as an institutional embodiment of the idea of Eurasianism. The main institutions of the EAEU, a brief history of their emergence and features of functioning are described. The difference in understanding the essence of this association in Kazakhstan and Russia is also analyzed. There is a difference in understanding the goals of integration among Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other participants in the association.



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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)


Article information




Kabaziev M. Sh. The idea of Eurasianism in the context of constructing the political identity of modern Kazakhstan and its institutional implementation. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 1 (74), pp. 68–73.Х_2023_1_68.


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