Geopolitical and economic landscape of the Great Caspian region.

Golovina Ekaterina E., Golovin Vyacheslav G.



In modern international conditions, there is a historical change of two types of structures: world economic and technological, which are accompanied by global transformational transformations in the world. If the change of previous ways took place in the Western world, then new ways are being formed in the Asian part of the Eurasian continent, which is in the focus of the world community. Geopolitical integration processes of global significance are associated with the past large-scale summits in the Central Asian republics (Samarkand SCO summit; Conference on interaction and confidence-building measures in Asia; the first meeting of heads of state in the format "Central Asia - Russia"; session Council of Heads of State of the CIS Member States; the ninth summit of the Organization of Turkic States and the IV Consultative Meeting of the Five Heads of State of Central Asia). The Greater Caspian also "participates" in the formation of the geopolitical and economic space, based on the general principles of Eurasian integration. In this regard, a priority strategic area of research is an expert assessment of the existing and future geopolitical and economic landscape of the Greater Caspian. The study is based on the methods of comparative and systemic interdisciplinary analysis, statistical and historical assessments, the institutional method, political-analytical and other measurements. The results of the research made it possible to substantiate the main conclusions about the objective nature of the transformational transformations on the Eurasian continent, the growing role of regional organizations in the consolidated participation in the international agenda and the strategic priorities of the world's leading economies in the development of Greater Eurasia as a large civilizational project.


Contribution of the authors

Golovina E. E. – processing and presentation of materials and sources, writing the source text, conclusions; Golovin V. G. – scientific guidance, development of the research concept, substantiation of the purpose of the article, revision of the text, final conclusions, data aggregation

Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)


Article information




Golovina E. E., Golovin V. G. Geopolitical and economic landscape of the Great Caspian region. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 1 (74), pp. 107–111.Х_2023_1_107.


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