Children's institutions of the Leningrad region under occupation: 1941–1944

Krasnozhenova Elena E.



The relevance of the study of the problem of the functioning of children's institutions in the Leningrad region under occupation is due to the fact that the occupiers paid considerable attention to monitoring the work of children's institutions and considered them as the most important tool of the Wehrmacht policy towards children, adolescents and youth. The relevance of the research problem was determined by its purpose - to investigate the problem of the functioning of children's institutions in the Leningrad region under Nazi occupation during the Great Patriotic War. The work is based on the documents of the central and regional archives. First of all, these are acts of district and village commissions to investigate the atrocities of the Nazi invaders, reports, certificates, summaries, witness statements. German documents are also of interest, first of all, orders and orders of the occupation authorities, documents of the departments of education that worked at city councils. The paper uses problem-chronological, systematic, historical-comparative and statistical methods, which allowed to generalize and show the features of the work of children's institutions under occupation. The vast majority of children were considered by the occupiers as an object of influence of the Nazi policy of genocide and Germanization, as cheap labor, if necessary as donors for German soldiers, did not actually receive the necessary security, medical care, and did not have conditions for harmonious development.



this work has been supported by the grants the Russian Science Foundation № 22-28- 20189,; this work has been supported by the grants the Saint Petersburg Scientific Foundation in accordance with the agreement no. 62/2022 dated April 15, 2022


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)


Article information




Krasnozhenova E. E. Children's institutions of the Leningrad region under occupation: 1941–1944. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 1 (74), pp. 22–26.Х_2023_1_00.


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