Conceptualization of "nature" and "human" in the philosophy of I. Kant

Mednikova Anna A.



The concept of "nature" is of greater interest since it is associated with a whole system of understanding the world and human. Of particular importance is the philosophy of I. Kant in which "nature" was of great importance. He analyzes this term, identifies the relationship and context that are necessary for the existence of "nature". In addition, “nature” was understood as broadly as possible: not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from an ontological point of view, and also as a subject of science. The article is devoted to the philosophical and anthropological consideration of the term "nature", since this approach is characteristic of the late works of I. Kant. The term "nature" will be considered in the light of the basic question "what is human?" This question, firstly, postulates an understanding of nature as a relation of human, hence revealing to us the knowledge of human himself. Second, nature as such, outside of human, according to Kant, remains inaccessible. The genealogy of this concept and its main characteristics that distinguish “nature” from “world” are analyzed. "Nature" is thus shaped by the following concepts: wholeness, systematicity, rationality, and necessity. Kant thus endows "nature" with categories peculiar to human. It acts as a mechanism that partly explains the structure of man himself, since there is an identity between the two. The only thing that "nature" lacks and that human has, according to Kant, is the domain of the noumenal, which allows human to be free. If nature is the cause of human's rationality, then spontaneity, which burdens nature and gives birth to purpose, is recognized as proper humanity.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)


Article information




Mednikova A. A. Conceptualization of "nature" and "human" in the philosophy of I. Kant. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 1 (74), pp. 134–138.Х_2023_1_134


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