State policy in the field of higher education in modern Kazakhstan: features and development trends

Burangulov Emil R.



In recent years, new programs of state policy in the field of higher education have been implemented in Kazakhstan, which is of interest to Russia due to the need to modernize higher education taking into account new conditions. In this regard, the article, based on the comparative historical method, systematic and neoinstitutional analysis, based on the materials of the author's focused interview, identifies the main features of the current state policy in the field of higher education in Kazakhstan (pronounced dependence on the Bologna process, rigidity of measures, conditionality of the peripheral position of higher education relative to the European educational space, exposure to specific socio-cultural influence)., it also highlights the trends of its development (optimization of higher education by reducing the number of universities and creating university leagues, expansion of academic freedom, increasing access to higher education for low-income segments of the population, strengthening control over the implementation of educational grants, opening branches of leading international universities in the republic, improving the quality and prestige of higher education and its approximation to market conditions). It is concluded that, despite the noticeable contradictions and obstacles that arise during the implementation of state policy in the field of higher education, the Government of Kazakhstan in the short term has managed to achieve success, expressed in the recognition of Kazakhstan's higher education corresponding to European standards, in the entry of a number of Kazakhstani universities into authoritative world rankings, in increasing the number of students



  1. V Kazakhstane v chastnykh vuzakh obuchayutsya svyshe 77 % studentov [In Kazakhstan over 77% of students study at private universities]. Available at: (accessed: 20.12.2022).
  2. V Kazakhstane mogut zakryt eshche 6 universitetov [6 more universities may be closed in Kazakhstan]. Available at: (accessed: 20.12.2022).
  3. V Kazakhstane rastet kolichestvo studentov [The number of students is growing in Kazakhstan]. Available at: (accessed: 20.12.2022).
  4. Vuzy budut vydavat diplomy sobstvennogo obraztsa [Universities will issue diplomas of their own sample]. Available at: (accessed: 20.12.2022).
  5. Za rubezhom budut priznany kvalifikatsii vypusknikov kazakhstanskikh vuzov [Qualifications of graduates of Kazakhstani universities will be recognized abroad]. Available at: (accessed: 20.12.2022).
  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)


Article information




Burangulov E. R. State policy in the field of higher education in modern Kazakhstan: features and development trends Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 1 (74), pp. 64–67.Х_2023_1_64.


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