The religious aspect of B. G. Niebuhr’s political views

Sazonova Tatyana A.



The research contributes to socio-political studies of 19th Europe. It also concerns the current issue of church politics. The article purposes an analysis of the writings of Prussian statesman and historian B. G. Niebuhr and the interrelation between his political ideas and religious beliefs. The interrelation is traced with the help of modern methods such as comparison, synthesis, interpretation of results, internal criticism of sources, political textology. The article is based on the works of German and Russian researchers. It shows the significance of the religious component and doctrine of Protestantism in Niebuhr’s interpretation. His theocentrism led him to the idea of divine natures of state and constitution. He also developed the concept of “complete” Reformation and aimed to get rid of the “true” faith from the “religious” one as a Protestant and Luther’s adherent. The concept became a link between Niebuhr’s religious beliefs and his project of political reforming Prussia which included the implementation of local government principles. The research results allow to speak about Niebuhr’s holistic belief system.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 1 (74)


Article information




Sazonova T. A. The religious aspect of B. G. Niebuhr’s political views. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 1 (74), pp. 86–90.Х_2023_1_86.


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