Issue 2016 No. 3 (48)


The main directions of the Russian socio-political thought of XVIII century

Perevezentsev S.V. (Russia
9-17   328

The article discusses the main directions of the Russian socio-political thought of the XVIII century: statist, the conservative education, radical education, traditionalist-orthodox. The characteristics of each of the areas, the comparative analysis, the influence of each direction in the processes...
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The development of trade among the North Caucasian peoples in the 30-50-ies. XIX c

Kidirniyazov Daniyal S.
17-22   318


Hired labor: value, price, surplus value

Racoti V.D. (Russia
23-31   351

The problems of equitable remuneration are relevant to any society under any political system. Hired labor policy and its evaluation are always the prerogative of the state. In our society in the minds of ordinary citizens and many politicians formed a stable installation that the definition of “w...
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Brazilian political and administrative regime and the prospects for economic growth and social development

Blinova E.A. (Russia
31-38   309

Brazil political and administrative regime has great potential for economic growth and social development. Workers’ Party played crucial role in this process due to it launched mechanisms of participatory budgeting, e-government and social programs. The study is based on the concepts of governance...
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Role of cyberspace into the modern system of international relations

Vashenko A.V., Odintsov Sergey A.
38-44   325

The modern system of international relations has a row of contradictions which are not soluble under the existing system. These contradictions have arisen in the imperialist epoch, and today they are derived to a higher qualitative level by globalization. They are based on the uneven development of ...
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Role of moral values in the practice of modern russian socio-economic relationships

Ruzhentsev S.E.
44-51   408

The article presents philosophical and ethical analysis of the influence of moral values and norms on socio-economic life of the society. The reforms, pursued by the Russian leaderships led to a rapid collapse of the whole former system of values. New moral compass in the socio-economic sphere is no...
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Territorial-border contradictions and migration risks in russian-chinese relations

Zou Lihui
51-58   308

The article tells us about territorial-border contradictions and migration risks in Russian-Chinese relations. These issues play an important role in the relationship of two countries located next to each other. The long process of demarcation of the border with many political, material and organiza...
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Characteristics of Syrian teenagers’ adaptability in extreme situations

Karabuschenko N.B., Al Masri I
58-61   339

This article describes characteristics of Syrian teenagers’ adaptability in extreme traumatic situations. The overview of researches on the problem of traumatic situations, characteristics and the typology of traumatic events, the details of traumatic experiences are listed. It also presents the c...
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Ethno-political conflicts in the Astrakhan area: the settlement methods and trends

Budovskaja O.V.
62-66   304

The relevance of ethnic conflicts has always been. Break inter-ethnic hatred may at any time and especially from ignorance of cultural customs and traditions of other nations. This ethnic conflict can be classified as situational. It may arise as a result of intolerance on the one and on the other h...
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Russian-turkish struggle for minds in central Asia

Urmanov D.R.
66-71   302

This article is devoted to the analysis of the processes that take place in Central Asia in humanitarian field - in so-called “soft power” policy. In this work the region is studied from the point of view of antagonism between two key actors that influence the processes in this region: Russia an...
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Evolution of corporate social responsibility in Russia: from state paternalism to corporate citizenship

Votchenko E.S.
71-77   339

The article considers the evolutionary stages in the development of definitions such as “corporate citizenship” and “corporate social responsibility”, as well as the specifics of public-private partnership in Russia. The author has attempted to analyze the current trends of business and gove...
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The reasons of political participation passivity of astrakhan students

Grigorev A.V., Mironova J.G.
77-83   385

The article is devoted to stydying of one of the most actual issues laying on the boder line of several social and humane sciences - youth political participation. Timeliness of the topic arises from the observed contradiction: on the one hand youth has always been one of the most active social coll...
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Public ideal in the context of social transformations

Mochshekrov E.N.
84-89   307

The article reveals the nature of the social ideal, the evolution of the nature and characteristics of social ideals during the global historical process, the role and influence of social ideals as fundamental goals and values in the emergence and development of social transformations, special revol...
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Рђnthology of В«non-classical conservatismВ»

Alexandrov B. Y.
89-93   333

There is a review of anthology “The Keepers of Russia” It was composed and prepared by the chair of history of socio-political studies, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. The relevance of this anthology for the study of the origins of the Russian conservative idea i...
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About the “philosophical-erotic” F.M. Gorenstein's novel

Zavyalova E.E.
93-99   329

The article is devoted to the definition of the dominant genre in the works by F.N. Gorenstein “Tschok-Tschok” (1987). The analysis of the author's subtitle «philosophisch-erotischer roman», it proved the ironic nature of this explication. Considered resistant erotic text markers: theatralizat...
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Modern migration processes in the context of the theory of heterotopias

Baeva L.V.
100-106   305

Difficulties in the international and economic situation is shaping the new conditions for Russian society. In Russia the General globalization processes are connected with particular cultural and socio-political context. The migration crisis in Europe 2015-2016 forced to take a new look at the prob...
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Changes in the world view as a Result of migration processes of globalization era

Khlyscheva E.V.
106-111   326

Reconsideration of a world view - a sign marker of modern era. Even traditional cultures, as a rule, the most resistant to changes, are forced to change their views due to globalization processes. Space and Time lose their sacredness, and “the strange” is identified with “the Other”, becomin...
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Confessional alien: vestimentary markers of the old believers

Romanova Anna P., Kanateva Natalia S., Topchiev Mikhail S.
111-117   330

The problem of Alien becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world due to migration and globalization processes. We define an Alien with a number of markers: vestimentary, alimentary, visual appearance, religious affiliation, etc. The purpose of this article is to identify vestimentary markers ...
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The essence of spiritual and moral values in the development of the individual and society

Molchan E.M.
117-120   321

In the work of moral and spiritual values are considered as the basis for the transformation of individuals, society and the world. Revealing the essence of spiritual and moral values, the author defines them as properties of being human, which manifests itself in spiritual and moral activities and ...
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Сulture of ethnic group “crimean germans” (krimdeutsche) as a phenomenon of cultural polylog of the people of the crimean peninsula

Kryukova N.V., Makarenko G.I.
123-130   376

The article is devoted to the complex research of certain aspects of the phenomenon of culture from historical and socio-philosophical point of view. It is proved that culture can be the object of analysis in three aspects: humanistic, creative and valuable-regulatory. Culture is defined as a public...
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Transformation of ideas of dialogue of cultures in the conditions of informatization of modern reality

Chernikova V.E.
130-135   319

The article studies the actual problems of dialogue of cultures in the conditions of informatization of modern reality. Dialogue as the sociocultural phenomenon is formed in certain cultural and historical conditions, reflects features of various epochs and is exposed to transformations. In the cond...
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The phenomenon of immortality in the virtual world 135

Skolota Z.N., Alekseeva Irina Yu.
135-141   309

The author in the article attempts to analyze the complex phenomenon of immortality in conditions of virtual space. Emphasize the problem has increased in recent years, becouse of number of accounts of dead people on social networks, as well as the increasingly popular electronic memorials and virtu...
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The phenomenon of alienation in terms of virtualization

Kunyashova E.V.
141-144   323

The urgency of understanding the problem of alienation in terms of virtualization due to human entry into a new phase of the global information civilization, the emergence of new information technologies, virtualization of society. Man's relationship with the created virtual world they are complex a...
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Role of moral values in the practice of modern russian socio-economic relationships

Ruzhentsev S.E.
144-151   487

The article presents philosophical and ethical analysis of the influence of moral values and norms on socio-economic life of the society. The reforms, pursued by the Russian leaderships led to a rapid collapse of the whole former system of values. New moral compass in the socio-economic sphere is no...
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Social innovation: social discourse

Zvyagintseva N.Yu.
120-123   322

The article analyzes the scientific content of the concepts of В«innovationВ» and В«social innovationВ». We consider the transition to the theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of В«social innovationВ»...
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Studying the regional political conflicts in the north-west caucasus and crimea (Review to the monograph of Prof. Dr. Andrei Baranov

Grishin N.V.
152-154   402

Prof. Andrei Baranov’s monograph contributes a lot to the study of regional political processes and ethno-political conflicts in the Krasnodar Krai, the Republic of Adygea and the Crimean peninsula. On the basis of processing of the latest empirical data author identifies the determinants of ethno...
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Modern Problems of the Requirements Theory: Book Review of E. Gainutdinova “Place and role of requirements in determination activity” (M.: Publishing House Moscow State Pedagogical University “Prometheus”, 2012. - 174 p.)

Rekesheva F.M. (Russia
154-156   303

The review examines the current state of the theory of needs, on the example of the work we analyze the quality of scientific and philosophical research of this phenomenon. The urgency and importance of the problem is stressed in light of the global changes that are currently experiencing humanity. ...
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