Evolution of corporate social responsibility in Russia: from state paternalism to corporate citizenship

Votchenko E.S.


The article considers the evolutionary stages in the development of definitions such as “corporate citizenship” and “corporate social responsibility”, as well as the specifics of public-private partnership in Russia. The author has attempted to analyze the current trends of business and government relations in the country, and tried to understand the laws of this partnership and distribution of unique roles-in bundle “business-state-society”. As to development of the concept of corporate citizenship and corporate social responsibility (CSR), the author considers that from about 2003 a leading position for discussing belongs to issues of corporate social responsibility as the pages of business publications, as well as the forums agenda of heads of the country, leaders of the Russian business, theorists and practitioners of management. From this time we can see that Russian scientists sufficiently worked out on the subject of the research and the conceptual apparatus, defined and systematized public expectations, analyzed and summarized the experience of socially responsible Russian and foreign companies. In addition, this study shows the author's interpretation of the classic Carroll`s “pyramid” applied to Russian realities of socially responsible business. The analysis makes an interesting conclusion that inside the scientific community it has been creating a new paradigm of corporate social responsibility which elements are corporate citizenship, social investments and social partnership.
