Сulture of ethnic group “crimean germans” (krimdeutsche) as a phenomenon of cultural polylog of the people of the crimean peninsula

Kryukova N.V., Makarenko G.I.


The article is devoted to the complex research of certain aspects of the phenomenon of culture from historical and socio-philosophical point of view. It is proved that culture can be the object of analysis in three aspects: humanistic, creative and valuable-regulatory. Culture is defined as a public process of human self creation. The article emphasizes that the Crimean peninsula was, and nowadays it is the territory of close intercultural interaction of different ethnic groups inhabiting it. Crimean Germans, appeared on the peninsula in the result of migration, made a worthy contribution to cultural polylog of the Crimean people. The cultural traditions of the Crimean Germans are presented and described in the article. The mixing of languages and cultures of the people of the Crimea was especially brightly reflected in the names of the settlements of the representatives of different nationalities. In this regard, the article is illustrated with many examples of intercultural communication on the material place names - names of settlements, founded by German colonists. The article gives examples of work towards the revival of lost cultural traditions, and also emphasizes the importance of this problem in the framework of the program for the conservation of the cultural heritage of the peninsula.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2016 No. 3 (48)




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