Role of moral values in the practice of modern russian socio-economic relationships

Ruzhentsev S.E.


The article presents philosophical and ethical analysis of the influence of moral values and norms on socio-economic life of the society. The reforms, pursued by the Russian leaderships led to a rapid collapse of the whole former system of values. New moral compass in the socio-economic sphere is not aligned with the experience and traditions of the country development, but with abstract ideologies. The authorities again began to oppose the society, imposing those norms and values that were considered necessary and optimal for them. Human factors and ethical regulators of conduct were dropped. Imposed values consider the person as a means to achieve goals and benefit the plants, distorting notions of good, justice and equality. Without attention to moral requirements and standards there cannot be long-term and sustainable increase in social wealth, the creation of the common good. The situation is difficult to call otherwise as eclectic value orientations. The reflection of the personality resists the aggression values of mass culture, which prominently are not the working man and his creative activity with the focus on equity, duty, honesty and other moral values. The exaggerated role of money and consumption only generate a surrogate public morality; distort political activities, reducing the importance of honesty, responsibility, mutual assistance, creating opportunities for abuse of power. Appeal to moral values is designed to ensure dialogue between the social layers, the stability of the social structure, and the harmony of the individual with the surrounding world. Without reaching common approaches, moral evaluations on existing problems to achieve a common social consensus is extremely difficult.
