Role of cyberspace into the modern system of international relations

Vashenko A.V., Odintsov Sergey A.


The modern system of international relations has a row of contradictions which are not soluble under the existing system. These contradictions have arisen in the imperialist epoch, and today they are derived to a higher qualitative level by globalization. They are based on the uneven development of the world. Rich countries «of the North» have a monopoly on high-technologies and using them as an element of structural Power for putting pressure on the poor «South”. The purpose of this pressure - is a control over markets, resources and labor force, and as a result for saving the system of «northern» countries domination. The “South” protects itself from the “North” in the form of asymmetric response - migration, terrorism and demography. Then the «North» increases structural military pressure. This entails strengthening of the asymmetric response (terrorism, migration, demographics, drug traffic), which again makes the “North” to carry out the whole range of military operations. This spiral movement leads to tightening of confrontation and conflict. The technology which was brought to life by the process of globalization has at least a dual purpose and can operate both in a “peaceful”, and in “combat mode”. In the article this process is considered by the example of functioning of the “the Internet”, which increases the possibility of how to obtain information on the one hand, and on the other receiving misinformation.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2016 No. 3 (48)




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